Tom, A Hawk

I went to Nerlens once. Me and some frernds were there for Merdi Grer.

Undefeated in the playoffs though.

I don’t think this makes you “that person.” I think this is genuinely interesting and not something that would ever occur to me.

I hate to be “that person” but as a Biologist I think this normally rare event could become more common with monoculture tree plantings. Monoculture stands such as pine, Christmas trees, often for profit but sometimes touted as “eco-friendly” have almost no diversity and therefore no variety of roots to stabilize or

....are you rioting in the streets?

My only hope is the Lindsay Graham and John McCain, both being so outspoken about having an investigation, know something is rotten. I can’t believe I just typed that, but it really is going to take Republicans to stand against this since anything the Democrats is just a “conspiracy theory advanced by the liberal

So, how is Trump not being investigated for treason? This really looks a lot like a conspiracy between billionaires to give control of America’s resources and political offices to a hostile foreign government.

Not even pro-blastocyst.

I really want to take the Pro-Life label back. Any time someone spews anti abortion B.S. I ask if the also advocate for education, child care support, free access to birth control, equal pay, and assistant to the needy. If the don’t they aren’t pro-Life.

The loss of hope and sincerity I’ve seen in my short lifetime will have profound and lasting effects. The widespread rise of irony and sarcasm has normalized truly monstrous and abhorrent opinions.

Republicans: The Anti-Human Party.

When Michelle Obama spoke of the absence of hope she spoke the truth. I am aware of my privilege, enough to know that what the loss of hope means to me is mostly symbolic (or second hand). But to the residents of Flint, to the Native Americans in Dakota, to so many others this dearth of humanity, of compassion will

I’m basically in a constant state of rage these days. I don’t know how the Flint residents have kept their sanity. If I found out the government poisoned my children AND didn’t want to admit it AND refused to help I’d burn it all down. And I’m sure most of them are stuck where they are because I’d bet their houses

Actually they were applauding because they showed an anti-STEM commercial on the jumbotron.

Well that escalated quickly..

They are not pro-life. They are pro-blastocyst and anti-human.

How is anyone not yet convinced that republicans are pure evil?

These motherfuckers. Pro-life my ass.

Fuck all republicans.