He already said that he would just have the US default on it.
He already said that he would just have the US default on it.
The same. Because they are dumb.
He’s wearing camouflage pants.
Hundreds of thousands of angry, drunk fans with guns. What could possibly go wrong?
But, see, Trump didn’t give any speeches at Goldman Sachs. He’s stocking his cabinet with bankers, but speeches are all that matters. Focus, people. /s
“Well, okay, but were we so concerned about the hours and hours and hours spent on the golf course of the current president.” Um yes, literally any time he used the restroom, Republicans screamed at the top of their lungs he was wasting time that should have been devoted to something more important. The irony is since…
true - more than half the country saw right through him.
Tell them you hired a nice woman from Central America.
Admittedly, this comment is a little bit of an inside baseball joke playing off of this: http://jezebel.com/love-is-not-the-answer-1789753903. So I think we have an actual misunderstand here because we’re not necessarily commenting with the same context.
It’s all about his economic insecurity and feelings of cultural neglect! She should have tried harder to understand him.
Is it even possible for these FUCKING DEPLORABLES to keep their racist, sexist bullshit to themselves?
This got weird.
Fuck ‘em. Let daddy Trump take care of them. Tell her trashy ass about bootstraps.
Yup. Which is why I’m taking great joy in refusing to hire my sister in law to clean our house a couple times a month even though her shitbag lazy husband just got laid off. Petty? I don’t think so.
“Most” is not “all” and the veracity of an event is not predicated upon how cleanly it confirms your bias.
I’m sure all that cab driver needed was to be heard and then, maybe, given a hug after he let out all the hate that he’s been holding on to for all this time. And really, isn’t this whole ordeal actually her fault for being so self-evidently Othered in his presence? She’s out here winning elections and taking offices…
Well by contrast, that means literally every Somali-American lawmaker in American history has faced harassment based on race or perceived religion since the election of Donald Trump.
An anonymous donor is paying me to say this:
No one is paying me to say this: