Tom, A Hawk

This idiotic dipshit epitome of privilege was just weeks away from a White House gig that would have probably set him up for life (not that he isn’t already set up for life), and the only thing that stopped him was stepping on his own dick on Twitter.

Jets fan can’t bear to finish with another L.

He reminds me of a cross between that one rec league dude you hate and all my friends dads from middle school.

this is defintiely true i bought 1100 christmas lights lastsunday and a 28' ladder ill get back to you monday with how it goes

Here’s a compilation of Trundle doing cool, tricky shit before kicking the ball out of bounds or passing it to a teammate who then kicks it out of bounds.

“There’s no easy fix.”

These two people both perfectly fit the description of “average-to-odd looking people who everyone is strangely attracted to.”

Read the comment. Closed the tab. *It hits me* Opened new tab. Navigated back. +1

“I dunno, sure felt like one.”

As an atheist, what I often tell people, is that I don’t need religion to tell me that murder, theft, oppression, etc. are wrong. People seem to need religion to tell them when these things are okay. (i.e. God says do not kill very explicitly a couple of times, then we get a few hundred pages in the Old Testament

i’m sorry. if it’s any consolation, i am sure your parents would still have been dicks had they been religious.

My atheistic morals are not predicated on a canonical text.

In fact, I would posit that in general atheists have a more moral/ethical world view than the general population.

i am sure that you didn’t say this, but just in case, atheists do have morals. we just don’t need a punishment/reward system to live by them. :)

If people need religion to not be an asshole, they are an asshole.

“Love thy neighbor as thyself. Unless they are colored, for the colored thou may hate freely.”

Sooooo much this. People are so freaked out about Atheists not having any morals, but that hasn’t stopped religious people from being assholes for over a millennium!

In September, 32 girls in Chicago went on a religious retreat together. By November, their text message chain was riddled with racial slurs that got five of them suspended or expelled from their high school

Cuck is not an insult for dumb people. Cuck is an insult against people who are insufficiently right wing (see: fascist) in their thinking and behavior.

Has anyone been able to suss out the etymological thought process behind “cuck” becoming the hot new insult for dumb people? Like, I can’t figure it out at all.