
Can’t wait to explore the city of Silent Hill in...  THE METAVERSE! 

I haven’t played 3 but the grindiness of these games is what made me fall off 2. I just wanna play casual and have a good time and get cool clothes but everything is tied to your level and it takes forever to level up.


Kotaku review:

Buy a “Capitalism sux!” shirt for only $4.99!

They set lower regional prices to allow poorer countries to purchase these products.

Lmao you reminded me of the street races and how broken they were/kinda still are.

We were specifically talking about movement and shooting feel, which were improved over previous games but still aren't up to par with modern games.

Borderlands 3 was a noticable improvement over previous games but yeah I agree, they still feel weirdly like playing the original Halo in a lot of ways.

This is like a perfect distillation of why I can't play this game. It's either too grindy or requires playing at too high of a level. Story content should be base level stuff anyone can participate in but they always gate it behind stuff I just don't have a desire to commit to.

I have bought and played this game and forgot it came out this year.

They’re selling a $40 thing and it doesn’t include the story content? Lmao what a joke.

Bro we all have lives and jobs and stuff.

Does the October launch include the campaign? If not, when does that release?

Mafia 3 had a system where there were fake street signs periodically with arrows pointing which direction to go. It let you keep your eyes on the road and glance at the signs to know when to turn.

Yeah Saint’s Row puts colored arrows on the ground for navigation. I think that would clash a bit with Rockstar’s style but surely they can come up with something better than what they’ve been doing for like 20 years

Well if they’re shifting to a more audio focused direction then a silencer will actually do what a silencer is supposed to do.

I’m not a regular CoD player, but I have played in the past. Any action game that requires you to stare at a minimap is lame. It always sucks to feel like “oh I didn’t know that guy was there cause I wasn’t staring up at the corner of the screen”.

No kidding. They literally have “hardcore” game modes. But apparently more assists turned on = more hardcore?

Personalities from both channels say that they were invited to a private meeting with EVGA staff, including CEO Andrew Han.”