Can’t wait to play American Good Guy invades foreign country to stop Non-American Bad Guy.
Can’t wait to play American Good Guy invades foreign country to stop Non-American Bad Guy.
Oh shit they made the Master Chief Collection too. 5th time’s the charm!
On Steam, Halo Infinite is a free to play multiplayer game and the campaign is a DLC.
From the bits of info that have come out about Perfect Dark it sounds like the development of that game is also on fire. They’ve had high level people leave and brought in Crystal Dynamics to co-develop... I really want it to be cool but i’m not getting my hopes up.
They made a new engine just for this game and... it can’t do the things they intended it to do I guess.
This is kinda what I’m getting at though. They’re taking those old franchises and trying to graft on modern trends and it’s just not working out well.
We’re 5 days away from the 20th anniversary of Battlefield 1942. 20 years of Battlefield and they still can’t seem to get it quite right.
“Like, if they’re able to patch it up now, what does DICE have that they didn’t during production?”
Lol I clicked on the “many” link and it’s a tweet with 3 likes. Like come on
Random pop culture characters doing silly dances is my fav thing about Fortnite.
I play apex every week and don’t go on Twitter or the Reddit, had no idea this “movement” was happening.
Anime titties on the front page!
Maybe they meant those to be two separate issues. When they say “its” they’re referring to the game itself, not the moonveil katana.
Honestly this sounds like everything I want from a new Skate. A chill skateboarding game that takes place in a big city where everyone is hanging out and skating. Sign me up.
“TLOU remake was the first game he’s worked on across multiple studios over the past 13 years that didn’t require crunch to finish the game.”
This remake is coming to PC I think
I hope SMT V and TMS come to PC someday. I just have no desire to buy Switch games anymore. At least Persona and Soul Hackers are coming to PC.