
I don’t even play most of the stuff on Game Pass that i WANT to play. PS+ has some stuff that would be nice to have access to on a whim but yeah i can’t justify it.

This is the best announcement so far! I played through the original for the first time this year and it’s an awesome game and a sequel has so much potential.

FFVII: Regurgitation

My biggest takeaway:

I grabbed some screens from the video that i thought emphasized the differences.

“with hordes of creepy paranormal enemies”

Look at how much money Fortnite makes and you will find your answer

I recall Totalbiscuit describing Skyrim as “big as an ocean and deep as a puddle” or something like that. You’ll spend 500 hours playing and not remember anything about it when you’re done.

No Man’s Skyrim :P

Oh no! #shirtgate

Something to keep in mind, the screenshots people are comparing to are probably from the PS4 remaster which used the characters models from the original game’s cinematics. The main character models are also the absolute highest quality assets in the game.

As someone who has played like an hour of each game, bland seems fitting for a Dragon Age cartoon :P

All gameplay elements of Apex are free. You just won’t look as fancy, which you could argue is also manipulative.

Ah the gaming moderates have arrived /s

If spending thousands doesn’t get you the best loot, does that make the game not pay-to-win?

I shouted out loud when they showed the title. I voted for this game in Steam Greenlight... remember that?

What made The Last of Us special was that it WASN’T following that tired trend.”

What? They announced long before the game came out that it was single player only. There’s a tweet from 2019 in this article that says the MP would be a separate thing later.

“It’s looking insane in the membrane”

Yeah this isn’t surprising. I stopped watching their video content a while back and unsubscribed. I haven’t been motivated to listen to the podcast for a month now. It just feels like they’ve been slogging along just trying to do what they’ve always done. New additions haven’t particularly added anything interesting.