
For a long time it was the easiest way to watch a lot of popular shows like the Office and Friends. It was just “the default".

The extent of my social media usage is scrolling through my extremely limited Facebook feed once a day.

“Take out the things that make her hard and then she's easy"

I see far more people complaining about gatekeepers than I do actual gatekeepers

Didn’t people like it because the writing was good actually? Seems like having it developed by Gearbox defeats the purpose. Imagine playing through Borderlands 3 but without the shooting and looting and only the cutscenes.

I recently finished Dragon’s Dogma for the first time under 40 hours and it was great. Imagine all these open world games if they didn’t have dozens of little collectibles and objectives all over their maps, they could all be much more digestible.

Hey it’s been a while, welcome back Mike!

I think that’s one of the things they’re attempting to address with Dragonflight. Past expansions have all have unique progression mechanics that get ditched when the new expac comes out. If you come late you’re always behind unless they introduce some kind of “catch-up” mechanic late in the expansion.

Damn that’s a big list of buffs. This is pretty rad and hopefully will open up more build diversity.

I found his cave late in the game and murdered him in seconds, not realizing be could be spared. Oops.

I think you're right. Ethan's comments seem a bit off

Sable came out last year.

Lol yeah you're running a very powerful build. I'd imagine most bosses would be a cakewalk, especially with a mimic

Lol, two different channels with almost identical thumbnails

Avoiding specifics is how you get players imagining up a game in their head and getting hyped, only to be disappointed the game didn’t turn out the way they imagined it.

Now playing

This one? Not only does he dodge and parry perfectly he's also level 1 so he has almost no stats buffing his damage.

I got summoned along with another player to help with Maliketh. But the host was running Rivers of Blood + another katana buffed with Seppuku (which increases bleed) and the host almost single handedly blasted through the boss. Literally triggered the second phase within seconds of the fight beginning. I barely did

This sounds similar to the sake from Sekiro, which was a mechanic I liked. You’d find sake and give it to NPCs and they’d get a bit drunk and share some personal stories about themselves.

Hopefully they’ll take this opportunity to revamp the combat as well. FF7 Remake is like the fully realized version of the menu/action combat from KH and it’s be great if they made it more like that.

Considering the inherent harmfulness of something like social media on young minds, it seems the best way to protect kids in the metaverse is to make sure the metaverse doesn’t exist in the first place.