
Or more recently, Elden Ring.

Jeez who cares? If it comes out it comes out, if not then nothing was lost.

You mention it in the article but yeah, Xbox has had this as a console level feature for a long time and no one ever talks about it. Then Horizon does it and suddenly it’s a revelation.

Just think of it as replay value!

Lol poor Will. Looking forward to hearing about this on the next Tech Pod.

Online is available as a standalone on PS5 and Series X.

You said there’s “no lore to read through” and i told you where to find it.

Almost every item you pick up has lore and backstory. Go into your inventory and do some reading. The characters aren’t going to stand there and do Q&A sessions with you like it’s a Bioware game. The items you acquire are this game’s codex.

RDR2 is so up its own ass with its bullshit that it ends up being interesting. It feels weird to hit L2 on on npc to talk to them. It feels weird to hit R2 to chamber a new round into your gun. Why are there TWO health bars and TWO stamina bars? And the horse also has them!

Called Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, it’s an asynchronous, 4v1 multiplayer shooter”

I just wanna say MGS 2 is still a great looking game and it’s amazing how much it stands above other games on the system, even ones that released afterwards. And it ran at 60fps!

Well Deathloop makes sense. Immersive sim is a thing. But it doesn’t apply to this game.

Why do people keep calling this an immersive sim lol

At least it doesn’t do something stupid like stretch the picture.

Do not give her the potion. Seluvis is a shitlord

Seems Elden Ring also just received an update. Got booted from the servers and told to download it. Hopefully it addresses some of the issues

“Siding with the United Colonies space cops won’t stop you from also helping the Crimson Fleet pirates”

Square is just cranking out bangers this month huh? Sounds like SoP might be a mixed bag.

She doesn't really shrug them off. Melania is easy to stagger and can be knocked on her ass with the right attacks. It's the only reason Radahn even stands a chance.

Lol the way they slowly sidestep those daggers is supreme badass energy. When someone really understands the mechanics it makes these fights look so simple. It really comes down to timing and spacing and staying calm. Most of my deaths are from getting hit once and then panicking and dodge spamming away to try and