
Girls not dressed like strippers = woke sjw.

Considering some states in the south are trying to remove the civil rights movement from public school cirriculums, this might be the only way some kids will learn about him.

The woman with the sword who opens a portal is Magik from X-Men/New Mutants. The woman with the purple glowy staff is Nico Minoru from Runaways. The woman with the two swords and yellow eyes is apparently the player character that you create.

And all of the options for designing your character are just clearly bits and pieces from famous characters and you end up looking like a weird Frankenstein or a knockoff famous character.

Is this all just part of his character too? Has the line become blurred? Was there ever a line?

Can't wait to not play this game with my friends on December 8th!

Clearly the horse is a shinobi. Always present, just out of sight.

On the one hand, I’ve been playing Ghost of Tsushima and it’s amazing how dense the grass and foliage is in that game and how it all blows in the wind. I think about how cool a Pokemon game could be with that fidelity.

What the fuck dude

Right? Like it’s weird to even see the word “trolling” used nowadays. Everything has escalated so far beyond trolling.

I said this in a different article about Death Stranding, but this naming scheme just feels like Sony chasing film prestige. The term has a meaning that just doesn't apply to this game or Death Stranding.

Bought a copy on sale after I got my PS5 and then they announced this update so I decided to wait some more. The Japanese lip sync was the biggest reason for me, kinda boggles the mind that they made a big deal out of their Japanese track but didn’t get the lip sync in at release.

He says he never intentionally wronged anyone but then promises to “completely change his lifestyle”?

Gambling streams = bad because they are exploiting people with gambling addictions and minors

I don’t recall him being specifically named in any articles until he left Blizzard. So his firing preceded any supposed “castration by the media".

My ex referred to him as Rooty-Tooty Bang McShooty.

Wait till you watch television, attend a sporting event, browse the internet, listen to the radio, drive down the road and see billboards, go to a movie theater.

It was pretty cool! I installed the game just to watch (play?) it. The combination of fantastical environments and pop music reminded me of playing Sayonara Wild Hearts, which I loved. It could have been a bit longer but for a free thing I’m not gonna complain. I enjoyed it way more than I was expecting to.

This is one of those things that makes you wonder if they have any black folks on the team and... I think i see one?

JSR is becoming Sega’s Splinter Cell... Except it’s been 20 years instead of 10.