Played on Xbox One X and the performance was.. not good. I’ll likely play the PC version at release but it was not a good first impression. If that’s how the most powerful last gen system runs I wonder what a base system is like.
Played on Xbox One X and the performance was.. not good. I’ll likely play the PC version at release but it was not a good first impression. If that’s how the most powerful last gen system runs I wonder what a base system is like.
I assumed all ghost Pokemon are dead humans. If a Pokemon died and became a ghost Pokemon would that just be a form of evolution?
I got invites for Xbox and PC and wanted to try the PC version.
Thank you!
Theres no exclusivity far as I can tell. For example when I enter my auto shop I have the option to enter mine or another player’s, despite them being the same property. They’re just different menu options and instanced.
Well that’s another thing, I don’t understand all the ceo and vip stuff at all. I just know I have to turn on the CEO thing when in order to interact with the job board in my auto shop. I just wanna do the missions and race cars and it’s so complicated. -_-
As someone who has started getting into the game since the Tuners update (I’m basically pretending it’s a new Midnight Club) being poor is also a pain in the ass.
Omg that Blizzcon video is fucking rough. wtffffffffffff
I’ve had urges to resub to WoW. I’ve wanted to buy Spyro and Sekiro and Tony Hawk remaster when they go on sale on PC. I really want to play Diablo 2 remaster and Diablo 4.
Of course it’s Ross.
Looks like that Marvel Strike Force game. Though I’m sure there’s 1000s of games just like it. I wonder which game started the current trend of turn-based squad rpg thing that’s popular in mobile games.
I got multiple errors during the checkout process including one saying I couldn’t process my transaction because I already had an incomplete one in process but I couldn’t find it in my transaction history to cancel it. I tried removing it from my cart and readding but i was unable to readd it so I gave up.
People who want a handheld that doesn’t struggle to maintain 30fps. Remember when the OLED Switch got announced and everyone complained cause they wanted a Switch that could perform better?
“I stole ur source code plz respond”
This just sounds like Sony chasing that “cinema prestige.” What a dumb situation.
Oh boy now the game will have the Netflix logo on the cover just like all the books.
Arcadegeddon looks pretty cool. Anything with lots of character customization always catches my eye.
Or if you're Amazon averse, they're half off at Barnes and Noble.
Or if you're Amazon averse, they're half off at Barnes and Noble.
Where did I say it was happening all over the country? Don’t put words in mouth.
I bought Cozy Grove on Switch and I’m regretting it. It just does not run smooth and it boggles the mind.