That would be rad! BotW was a bit lacking in enemy variety. Bringing back some classic enemies would be great.
The trailer opens with Link’s (and we see his face very clearly so yes it’s Link) right arm being infected by the red goo stuff. Later we see Link lying down having some kind of magic seal applied to his arm likely to prevent the infection from spreading. And the entire trailer we can see his infected right arm.
Considering there are no Series X exclusives, there’s no confusion to be had. If you buy Cold War you’ll get the best version for whatever platform you put the disc in. That’s the point of Smart Delivery.
They typically reveal the game alongside a fancy car that ends up on the cover. No fancy car this year so I’m guessing there’s no co-marketing deal for a car on the cover either.
“What is happening over there?”
With FF7 and FFXVI being PS exclusive they might show up during Sony's show instead. Though I wouldn't expect to see anything about part 2 considering they just released DLC for the first part.
That would be more likely to appear during Nintendo's show
Maybe budget limitations? The game sold well i believe so that could warrant additional development to add some stuff they couldn’t before.
I didn’t finish it but i greatly enjoyed my time with it. A director’s cut would be a good reason to go back for me.
It was 60 on steam when I looked. Is it 70 on ps5/XSX?
I’m gonna guess you’ll only be matched against PC if you’re in a premade party with someone on PC, otherwise you’ll only be in the console-only pool.
Pokemon, but with war and capitalism.
Well that would explain it!
I never knew that tab existed. I always just set my fork or chop sticks on the lid to keep it closed.
Shoulda had a MK11 event where you beat up Rond... I mean Sonya.
Eh... I was only a few hours into the PS4 version. Guess I'll just start over when Intergrade releases.
Unless you uploaded your save to the cloud, then yeah you’re out of luck.
The trailer shows a Microsoft Azure logo at the end. That's MS's server tech, which the north American version probably runs on.
They are likely locked into a deal with Sony, at least for the time being.