
But... will it have fishing?

I look forward to not playing it and instead watching Game Grumps play it.

Isn't Dwarf Fortress free? I'm not sure how you can compare the two...

You earn Legend Tokens from leveling up and you can spend those to unlock characters.

Oh I think I finished the second one and it was like “alright go play now!” without any indicator that there was more. I’ll have to go back and check those out.

Until you get 2v3'd by a premade cause one of your team mates is afk. 😜

This is pretty much what i expected. This is gonna sound really harsh but this game just makes me think of what would happen if a small child designed a game. Like it’s just a stream of consciousness mishmash that somehow got funded into a real game.

You can get all the characters for free fyi.

Non-legendaries are usually just recolors of the default skin, while legendaries have a completely unique appearance. Not something most people would want to spend money on anyway.

See, I kept seeing the cabinets and thinking the doll was gonna randomly pop out of one of them. Until the baby showed up.

When they remastered TLoS for PS4 they said something about being “true believers” in 60fps and their following games were all 30fps, so I’m not gonna hold my breath hoping Uncharted 5 or whatever is gonna be 60fps too.

So basically a physical cheat code? People always complained Amiibos were useless. Now it seems Nintendo has veered too far the other direction.

It’s funny you use Samurai Jack as your example. Phil Lamarr is obviously a talented actor, so while his performance is good, he still sounds like an American doing a Japanese accent, so was he truly the best fit for the role? If you want the character to sound authentic it’s usually best to get someone who has a

I was on the Steam page and they had an embedded stream and the player was just walking with a chest while his team escorted him.

Omg I never knew the connection between Flying Lotus and Adult Swim but it seems obvious when you point it out. It’s been a decade+ since I watched AS but I can still hear the music from those bumps.

“Despite a lack of real scares and an over-reliance on action over horror in its third act”

Its a shame, I subbed to them back in 2013 to watch Vinny play Dark Souls and have been subbed since.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Console, PC)

I could see this drawing the attention of the more competitive focused players. A new permanent mode comes with the possibility of the game being balanced around it though. Hopefully we don't run into a situation where characters get nerfed for arena balance and make them less fun to play in BR.

It’s 2ft tall and weighs 70lbs?!