
This critique is coming from an “automobile designer?!?” Really? Has anyone ever heard of “Adrian Clarke?” Can anyone give us the names of some of the cars he designed? Adrian Clarke can’t. Or won’t. His biography says he got a degree in automotive design, but doesn’t list anything he ever worked on. And I’m left

This brings me back to all the old sci-fi books I used to read as a wee lad. I found a collection of Ray Bradbury, Arthur C Clark, Robert Heinlein, Issac Asimov, etc with artwork like this car and I was hooked. Needles to say my reading and comprehension for school shot up but only because I was hooked on these campy

Yea, GREAT idea.... watch your country burn all to “prove a point” to the USA. 

I’ve had an afla spider, an RX-7, a 944 turbo, and an e46 M3.  my next sportscar will be a 996 Carrera 4S cabrio. haters gonna hate.

Just wait until 996s become ironic cool.

Meh, it has exactly the same brakes, engine, suspension and transmission as any other similar Carrera (arguably including the 997's)and greater structural integrity than any of the other previous generations. The only difference is the drop top and a few extra pounds.  It is still a 911 Carrera so you make it what you

I’m sorry, I’m just looking at that photo of a Tesla service garage and imaging the poor Elmer’s delivery guy carting in 55-gallon drum after 55-gallon drum...

I’ll take my business to a dealer who is willing to take my money.

Starred in part for your Polish warrior handle.

I’m very important. I have many leather bound books and my desk smells of rich mahogany. 

You heard it here first, robbing people is ok if they’re wealthier than you.  Poor people cant be expected to have silly white people things like “Morals” and “laws”

I wonder upon being robbed if the train driver was like “get mi-ata here”.*

Who would ever ever ever ever ever take $0 for a trade? How in anyone’s mind does that make sense? $500, sure, I’ve seen that and it can make sense in some situations. But nothing? Like literally this is worse than just giving the car away or leaving it in a parking lot with the keys in the door.

TL;DR: Being a sucker doesn’t mean you can sue someone.

If people could sue for getting the short end of a negotiation just because they didn’t do enough research on their own, the courts would be filled to overflowing.

I’ve always loved the “need more space for my kid” argument for SUVs. When my sister and I were both toddlers, my dad drove us around in his then-new 1992 Honda Civic VX hatchback. I’ve seen pictures from trips we’d take in that car. We’d take a family trip for a weekend to the lake, and that car would be packed with

The FBI advised against buying huawei phones on more than one occasion because of Chinese spyware (I’m currently feeling too lazy to find and link an article). Your point might not be that unreasonable, but I doubt that is the reasoning behind this investigation. I’m guessing, like others have mentioned, that he’s

Because of the impending quality controls?

Fortunately his paper thin muscles and rubbery, calcium deficient bones came through unscathed. Don’t listen to your parents: all that time spent playing video games and living on a Doritos diet will eventually pay off.

You’re way out of date on Harley. My 2008 Harley had Brembo brakes and ABS. The V-Rod came out in 2002. Innovation isn’t only defined by technology btw. Like any market, there are people who are interested in the latest technology and the vast majority who are looking for something that does what they want in the way