Tom Warp

But do they live in a pineapple under the sea?

never seen an episode could care less

She wouldn’t even need to be a side piece anymore. Pepper Potts is a great character, but more screen time for Marisa Tomei over Gwyneth Paltrow is pretty much a win-win-win-win scenario.

Good. Seriously fuck this guy and everybody like him. They actually slow traffic down because everybody needs to brake to let them in.

She actually made him a better villain, she had the potential to be a great villain in season two, masterminding a revenge against DD.

When do people like you recognize that not liking superhero movies is a sign of just having different tastes in entertainment as people do and not a badge of sophistication that gives you greater insight into the wicked capitalist machine?

Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

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Sigh. Please help stop VSS before it's too late.

Is it wrong that every time a kid dies on this show I mentally hear the song “Ninety Nine Bottles of Beer?”