If only 73 drivers quit and they are 500 drivers short, then the shortage isn’t really about the mandate, is it?
If only 73 drivers quit and they are 500 drivers short, then the shortage isn’t really about the mandate, is it?
Billionaire space tourism is not a win for anyone bootlicker
Correct. Hellcats are also bad.
I am a human and I contain multitudes.
Maybe I’m in a bad mood today. Maybe that was the most lackluster cobbled-together unveil packed with outright lies I’ve ever seen and I don’t feel like dealing with Elon’s bullshit anymore.
In fairness, the Demon is dumb as hell and should never have been made. The Lucid’s…
According to survey, it’s owners of Teslas that hate Tesla
Amber right?
Hmmm, if I had to pick who would have survived, me or Maven I would have picked Maven. Long story short, I had a stent put in Saturday night. Back home today, all is well with hookers and booze!
I mean, those will definitely get crusty if you leave them to dry out in the sun for a while. Wouldn’t recommend.
Hi, I’m Jimmy from Jimmy’s Manure Delivery. All of our vehicles are Dodge Journeys, because they’re crap before we even load anything in them.
As someone who *routinely* stalks Cayenne postings because you bet your sweet bunghole a Cayenne is on the list of things to buy if I ever get another full-time job...yes.
“You provided nothing to back up any of your claims in this article.”
You don’t need to be completely sealed, all you need is that there is no gap the size of a door being open and positive pressure. That is all. The positive pressure would prevent new air from entering the gaps as old air is pushed out as it tries to escape from the higher pressure. That is why the fans have to work so…
I don’t get the simultaneous pro-dealer and anti-dealer sentiments
Oh awesome! My hogs needed a wash.
We didn’t claim it would be bigger than the “Model T.” Automotive News did.
Who can say?
“The word bespoke has evolved from a verb meaning “to speak for something” to its contemporary usage as an adjective that has changed from describing first tailor-made suits and shoes, and later, anything commissioned to a particular specification, and finally to a general marketing and branding concept implying…
“i8 quite dead yet!”