
You go first Shia

those bolds are all his. I wouldn’t presume to bold a man’s words with my Jane Popcorn keyboard, etc

Hey guys. So imma put this here even though I’ll likely have a post about it soon: yes, I will be leaving Gawker Media. It’s been a fun run, but it was going to end sometime.

Certainly possible. The Guardian and the French media are saying 100 hostages within the theater.

Just brilliant writing Kate. Really, this is the best of Jezebel.

TERROR!!! (creepy dad virginity pledge)

*tips trilby, calls it a fedora*

Holy shit, NO. I am a mother of many, and THATZ NOT OK. Jesus, people.

My dog, Princess Trudy, died this afternoon. I’m overwhelmed with emotion, but amazed at the love outpouring from family and friends. She was 16 1/2, and had a great life.

Where in the demon fuck do you get these gifs?

I first learned about suffragettes from Mrs. Banks and the “Sister Suffragette” song.

I actually don’t mind Hermione and Ron together, because when you get two smart, powerful, driven people together, then I feel like his career and goals inevitably end up taking precedence over hers. With Ron as her partner, there’s no obstacle to my believing that Hermione’s ambitions would always come first. Ron

Oh man. Pretty much 90% of the time when a guy broke it off with one of my ladyfriends because he ‘just wasn’t ready for commitment’ or ‘wasn’t ready for a baby’ or ‘wasn’t ready to settle down’ etc etc. within a year he was married and had a baby on the way.

  • You probably already knew this, but Taylor Schilling and Carrie Brownstein are all coupled up. [Dlisted]

Yeah so we’ve been branching out. I mean we can only come up with so much catcentric content. It seems that our efforts lately in creating “fringe” animal videos is paying off. So here are some other potential cute animal videos we have in the pipeline, vote for your fav;

Anna- thanks for all your excellent pieces.

“It’s Shake it Off, not Shake it Orf”

Oh, it’s cute when a seal does it. But when I do it, it’s, “Ma’am, could you please put on some pants? You’re creating a disturbance. The putt-putt course is for everyone.”