What’s that? Alec Guinness in Star Wars?
What’s that? Alec Guinness in Star Wars?
Fox Sports headline: “Black Man Caught Laying Back & Drinking on the Job”
Enroll in courses where attendance is option and you can email assignments.
Glad to see Ponce de Leon has at least found the Fountain of Bad Strike Calls
How many articles did Deadspin devote to reporting about Manti Te’o not dating a cheerleader?
There were 16 Test matches in 2018 total. At 30 hours a match that’s still less than the total number of hours spent on regular season NFL football.
Nah. If there’s anything we’ve learned about militiamen and gun nuts over the years, having their guns and maybe the freedom to choose their sect of Christianity are the only things they care about, as long as it’s coming from a Republican president. If Trump suspended everything in the Bill of Rights except the 2nd…
What on Earth makes you think the Democrats would win even a completely free and fair election in 2020? Their front runners are a 77 year old guy who doesn’t know how governing works, a prosecutor who fought to keep people wrongly convicted in prison, and a vacuous dork who couldn’t beat an actual salamander in a…
Trump can’t actually deliver on it or he risks losing the one campaign promise he can actually remember. If he starts building the wall, he can’t say he’s needs their votes to build it any more, and needs to come up with a new shtick. That’s why he keeps increasing the brinkmanship and keeps raising the budgeted…
Watching a football team is 3 hours once a week. Baseball is three hours 5-6 times a week.
That guy wasn’t selling candy in dime bags, he was selling dime bags that happened to have candy them.
Shit, actually having a stat line at all puts you ahead of some of those fuckers.
I don’t know about Yale specifically, or whether this is a universal rule, but I know many colleges aren’t allowed by NCAA to make athletic participation a condition of admission or scholarships. They’re allowed to have separate admissions criteria for sports recruits, but they’re still stuck with the person if they…
1. The class-action CTE lawsuit isn’t just about medical bills, it’s also about pain and suffering, brain damage, and public recognition from the owners of what they went through. If the US had comprehensive healthcare for everyone, the NFL would still be facing a lawsuit. Besides, the whole plan is to avoid paying as…
I was with you until the last paragraph. Where is the evidence that NMU did anything for Schultz, apart from ruin its reputation on a stupid and completely unasked-for attempt to protect him from nothing? If I had the kind of college experience he seems to have, I wouldn’t give them a dime either.
I think the idea is that someone’s reputation always makes them out to be tougher than they really are. In the case of professional fighters, it sometimes is: the realities of professional fights (gloves, vaseline, etc) are different enough from street fights that skills don’t always transfer.
In the trash can!
In spite of them all supposed to be personal calling out cards, most of them sound pretty interchangeable.
Did ESPN lay off all their qualified camera technicians, or can they just not afford portrait lenses anymore? He looks even worse than usual.