
I think its still good. Tons of people have been shorting nintendo and will need to cover. This will play out for a couple days as news spreads

They should have made the move to mobile years ago, but better late than never. Nintendo will rake in the money with these games.

What the fuck are you talking about????

Poor widdle baby get his butthurt??

Ugh. Gotta take issue with the idea of “token” and “pandering”. In this entire country you don’t think there is a single minority person who would be smart enough and capable enough of being vice president and would only be chosen as a token? Not a single person of color could possibly “genuinely” qualify for the

The problem is she is already the representative of the “moderate democrats”. She needed someone to balance that. Someone with more energy who could appeal to those Bernie voters who feel left behind.

Lol, you are exactly right.

Nah, the theory still applies. Your “good kind hearted people” were still fuckwads, but just a little fuckwadish. This guy was an extreme fuckwad. Differences in degree but not in kind.

Yeah! Because gamergate was about “ethics in games journalism”!!!.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! This still cracks me up.