
Heh heh he said but.

He got peace-zoned faster than Jorah got friend-zoned at least

Last week: A foreign invasion is underway

Maybe her phone was tapped too? I was wondering that as well.

There's also the possible symbolism in Maura shattering the glass railing that strongly resembles the glass railing that Rita jumped over.

Well the comments about Tina Fey stuff is my opinion, mostly. I'm just saying that I have to scroll very far down to see critical comments even on generally panned episodes like "Kimmy Goes to a Play!" (in spite of AVClub's review itself being critical of the episode).

AVClub comments will be transitioning to Kinja (the same commenting system Gawker sites use):

I agree, I was always disappointed whenever AVClub dropped coverage of a show I watched and couldn't make snarky comments anymore. I was thrilled when they started adding the discussion non-review articles for people to discuss on shows they dropped like Once Upon A Time.

They used the same jump cut as the one to show Kim's 5 minute nap a few episodes earlier!

AVClub's comment transition to Kinja is going to be very interesting, since Tina Fey's stuff tends to be beyond reproach here, while sites that use Kinja commenting tend to criticize problematic aspects of her work.

I'll be completely honest here, "magic DJ powers" is far too strong a power for any metahuman.

I was expecting Conway's mysterious war thing to come up later if that Senate/House voting ended up creating a split ticket with Conway as president and Claire as VP, and then they would use some revelation of Conway's war hero act as treasonous to oust him from the presidency and cause Claire to become the president,

Hey, he could acknowledge people automatically with one of those door chimes that makes a ding when someone enters/exits the restaurant.

I'm saying that UKS, as a show prominently featuring three women and a gay black man, made an irresponsible joke about consent that can easily be interpreted as lampooning the idea of asking for consent (instead of satirizing the pervasiveness of rape culture) to anyone who isn't already familiar with rape culture.

I thought about that but I don't think he would be able to see if an object is reflective or not given his blindness (and his glasses didn't seem to indicate that either).

Except that interpretation of the joke only works if the viewer is already comfortable with the idea of rape culture existing.

You might be interested to know that Jezebel, of all liberal/feminist websites, was applauding this episode.

Yeah, ridiculing asking for consent was the weirdest thing in the episode to satirize, because for whatever reason to the UKS writers, rape culture needs defending.

The writers should have had him start calling everyone cucks and then run away

Adrian Chase just went full Moriarty on Oliver