
That was basically the plot from last episode too.

They mentioned he cleaned up by pouring bleach into her mouth after she died, but they found his blood in her throat.

After we get more acquainted with the other "seedy-but-helpful" character Puck later in season 2, I appreciate Bug SO much more in hindsight.

I like his 1-liners but his general chirpiness feels weird considering his personal life is in tatters, plus the fact that everyone else on Team Arrow this season tends to brood.

I bet she & Cricket had some Serious Secular Intercourse

I was getting Ann Veal vibes, and also there was that very-on-the-nose-in-retrospect Lady and the Tramp spaghetti reference.

It took me way too long to realize this article was from last year.

The real winner is that the MotW wasn't defeated by "Run faster Barry!" but instead was defeated by "Run faster Wally!"

Oh jeez, I'm rewatching both series, this time in the original air order, and the endings of "The Trial" and "Into the Woods" are ten times more gut wrenching watched back to back. Having only watched each series individually before, now I can clearly see the parallel themes that Whedon & Co were trying to display

"Hey Laurel check out this picture of your tombstone!"
"Doesn't look like anything to me."

It's OK, you only missed one episode in that 5 month span between when AVClub dropped AT and today's review.

Prometheus' reaction speed to that bomb arrow shot to his BACK was pretty crazy. Like he turned his back toward where Ollie came in (so he didn't see that the Green Arrow was there), and still after being shot, Prometheus knew to immediately check if it was a bomb arrow, throw it at the ceiling before it exploded, and

Yay! I'm very happy Elementary is still being covered.

Here's your caption, boys: "Local Hero
Shuns Spotlight and Pitches In."

No idea but I found it very confusing. It would have been nice to have episode coverage too.

Maybe it was a magic broadsword

"I'm right behind you, I promise."