PT is like that sometimes.
My physical therapist had me do something similar a while back. I didn’t feel any core engagement at all while I was doing it, but I was sore as hell the next day. It’s very hard to tell if you’re actually working... or maybe I’m just strange ;)
Well...another reason that some people want to vote for 3rd party candidates is so that they can reach the support threshold that enables them to have greater access to federal funding. In the eventual hope that we can be a 3/4/5-party system, instead of a [blatantly corrupt] 2-party system. Not to say that I agree or…
no it shouldn’t, the most populous parts of the country don’t reflect the whole of the nation. People in NYC don’t get to count more than people in North Dakota.
look at the polls, Trump doesn’t have that realistic of a chance of winning. This is absolutely the election to show the establishment their are other options.
If Jill Stein has a stronger showing then normal it shows the establishment that it is losing control, and it also shows voters that they have more then two choices, but because Jill Stein has “no chance to win” she will forever have no chance, and the pubs and dems will remain in power forever. There is no such thing…
Vote for the lesser of two evils, condone the lesser of two evils.
Please don’t what??? Exercise his democratic right to vote? Or is it please don’t think for yourself and realize there are more then two choices for president? We don’t have to choose between the two most corrupt political parties in the country. Voting for Jill Stein is not a waste of a vote, it is a message to the…
I won’t vote for someone who doesn’t represent me. That means no vote for Trump, and no vote for Clinton.
How are you ever going to expect real change to happen if you always keep voting for the lesser of two evils though? It comes to making a short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. If more people who wanted to vote their conscience instead of strategic voting did just that, things would actually start to change. I’m…
Considering the larger party alternatives, I will applaud anyone who votes for Stein
Real progress in politics does not come by little steps, it comes in great leaps. Freeing the slaves, the social safety net, the Pure Food and Drugs act, desegregation, etc... were all things pushed by the ideologically rigid in great leaps and not small steps. If Hillary really believed in universal single payer, she…
No! Why would you think that? Why would you automatically assume the worst about someone who says we absolutely need universal single payer? What is wrong with you?
The way budgets work, the service would just find other ways to spend it to justify spending in the next cycle. those agents will still be paid as employees and assigned to other duties.
Keep dreaming. Hillary is a hawk. She was the impetus behind regime change in Libya. Her Iraq vote gave W cover on the left. That’s who she is. Stop making excuses for the reality of the situation.
And what would be “more effective?” Putting that money into infrastructure? Education? Alleviating poverty? Making healthcare more affordable?
In the grand scheme of corporate and government waste this is a mite in a drop in a bucket and just doesn’t raise my hackles at all
Where would that money go if it weren’t paying for a guy forcing Hillary to the left? It’s not like it’d go back in peoples pockets. The way budgets work, the service would just find other ways to spend it to justify spending in the next cycle.
Oh give me a fucking break! How much coin did Hillary’s support for the Iraq War and regime change in Libya and Syria cost the taxpayers? Enough of the sour fucking grapes from the media. 38k is a haircut for Hillary and weave for the Donald. How much taxpayer money went to funding primary elections for the private…