You probably think that the more information you have, the better the decisions you make will be. This isn’t always…
You probably think that the more information you have, the better the decisions you make will be. This isn’t always…
This woman is so badass.
what I’ve learned is that many dads would rather get laid than receive a Father’s Day gift
I think some reflection would be wise. Sometimes even the “progressive” party is too conservative.
When some obnoxious jerk is getting on your case, the best thing to do might be to ignore them. However, if you…
All boys are men and all women are girls, so sayeth the Cruz.
AuntBea knows NOTHING. Fuxsake, Bernie has been calling out Dems & Repugs for years. He’s one of few will to shine a light on the filth & corruption of big $s on our gov’t. Pointing out anything about Bernie’s last year shows folks like whack-a-mole voter AuntBea don’t know jackshit. STFU Bea and pay attention to what…
How about you let the people of Vermont figure that out and shove your feeble minded pettiness. WTF kind of public attention do you think would’ve happened had it just been HRC vs. Webb/O’Malley/Chafee/Lessig — and who the fuck even remembers those uptights?
There are actions done by the DNC that are questionable. To dispute that ignores facts.
Holy shit do you REALLY believe that Sanders convinced his supporters that the Democratic Party is corrupt?
Oh, please. If she can’t withstand policy disputes with Sanders—an ally—then how is she going to deal with Trump? Hell, with other world leaders.
Yeah, pretty sure if you’ve watched this thing since, I dunno, 2012? You’d know that the “establishment” or party leadership have been eager to make Clinton the nominee.
Was that before or after the racial undertones mudslinging?
If Bernie actually ran as an independent in this election, he would have been mercilessly raked over the coals for drawing support from Hillary and threatening the Democrats’ chances of keeping the White House. Running within the party was a pragmatic choice for him, obviously, but let’s not pretend that the…
I don’t know how bitchy that is, but it certainly is petty. And stupid.
JFC, what show are you watching? Or maybe what crap are you smoking?
“Mr. Sanders received a standing ovation when he dropped in at the Senate Democrats’ weekly lunch to speak about his campaign and pose for an official Senate photo with his colleagues. He has not been in the Capitol much of late; according to his website, he has not cast a vote since Jan. 12.
Dollars to donuts Hillary pledges support for some of Bernie’s planks then drops it like a hot potato on 1/21/2017.
So, you think me playing white savior by putting my kid in an underperforming school is going to make a difference? Because that seems like the point: as a white person, my being there in that system is going to make a difference to the school system. That discounts all the parents of color who are working hard to…