Hello everyone, it’s a “Sunday Night Social: Special Edition!” post just for you!
Hello everyone, it’s a “Sunday Night Social: Special Edition!” post just for you!
Ha, I love when they comment on things they know absolutely nothing about. It really shows how smart they are.
I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of Asian actors in shows. It seems like the whitewashing of character who were supposed to be Asian and replacing them with white actors is more of a problem. The NYT article lists a lot of examples (the only one I disagree with is The Martian, because I think the author specifically…
I’m getting this tattooed on my wrist today at 2pm.
It honestly broke my heart to sit across family — aging Baby Boomers — who benefitted from years of social programs and initiatives to support them into retirement. Yet they couldn’t understand why I would want to support an “old socialist Jew” (their words, not mine.) They couldn’t understand why my brother, who…
Did Kevin Spacey star in The Princess Bride?
Nuff said.
I am very concerned about the wage gap which clearly exists between me and Jennifer Lawrence.
But its MUCH easier to play up the reaction of the Bernie supporters, AND it has the added benefit of covering up the problems in the first place.
I do make $100k/year and I support him. I dont want anything for free (except free Uber rides like that guy in Funbag lucked into) but I would appreciate it if roads and bridges were maintained/improved.
Yeah, I’m sure he has had many interactions with “socialist-minded” people and that they have “berned” him! That’s a totally plausible scenario, just like God talking to him.
But that didn’t happen, did it? We’re talking about a Trump supporter denying a Bernie supporter help. Could the same happen if it was the reverse? Certainly. Would most Trump supporters do the same that this guy did? Likely not, because they’re probably not assholes. But trying to justify this because the possibility…
but god? He prob would have done that. Old testament god is a total dick
Men being strongly opposed to violence against women isn’t really a new thing. Actually guys who get really enraged about it are generally not what you’d think of as feminists. Its a whole masculine code of honor thing.
How does this ruin video games? If some asshole beat his wife during dinner would that ruin dinner for you? But good job finding the wrong people to blame in a story when their is a pretty clear villain. Impressive.
That doesn’t seem to be something that was immediately available, and still might not be correct.
Whereas sportsball players are shining examples of how to treat your wife?
Really? And say what? there’s a dude by the name of JoeDaddy505 committing abuse. I don’t know where he lives but go find him?
Real life isn’t like tv where we can just zoom and enhance our way to solving mysterious
I was cracking up (or cringing in a good way) almost the entire time. The “Obama’s hair is so white it says all lives matter” killed me. And the part about Morning Joe was so incredibly real. Don Lemon actually handled it the best in my opinion. Yes he flipped him off but it was obviously in a joking way.
I think it wasn’t that great, except for the drones and killing bits, and the Zodiac Killer. Like, the world knows now. Apart from that, too many one liners, not enough build. Not surprising that no one laughed, a white crowd fangirling on Obama isn’t the best place to make those jokes. As the Guardian reflected…