
I meant that you said “if” when he clearly says he’s a local. Why not stay in a hotel that doesn’t feel like NYC? How does a hotel feel like NYC anyway? Have rats dragging around pieces of pizza? Everything outside of the hotel is still NYC. If after a day of seeing the sites and experiencing the city someone wants to

Yes, everybody is way too cool to like the place. Personally, I’ve never been there so I can’t say whether it was good or bad, but it’s kind of sad that people can’t just relax and believe that maybe, just maybe, it could have been kind of fun.

Missed this part?

The most frustrating thing about Tom Cruise is that, as nutty and weird and cult-supporting as he is, he’s very good at what he does. If he wasn’t we could all move on and ignore him.

Cheaper? Sure. Better for reusability? Yeah. Cleaner? That one I’m not so sure of when you’re comparing it hydrogen/oxygen.  

Cut it down to two slices and put it on store-brand white bread and you’d have a typical sandwich of my youth. Hey, meat cost real money! 

That’s great for Disney fans but what if you’re more of a Blues Brothers person?

Yes, but it was in 2011. Back then the G37x sedan that my wife wanted was a solid choice. Unfortunately they were still selling that car a decade later. 

Don’t look at me. I’m old enough to remember when “marijuana use” was done at the concert.

I’m still waiting for the wasabi flavored ones to come back. Waiting, and waiting and waiting...

Yes, it would make the news. What wouldn’t happen is the national news running stories on how to deal with the snow, the health implications, etc. It’s the depth and ubiquity of the coverage that is the difference. 

Isn’t it cute when something that occurs regularly other places happens in New York and suddenly it’s a BIG THING? Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana see this shit almost every year now. It wasn’t the headline news on Good Morning America then. 

I think my parents first met my in-laws at our wedding rehearsal and the dinner after. Why would they need to meet before that? If they wanted to meet that would be one thing, but to push them into it? Seems unwise. 

I got so incredibly wasted on Red Horse when I was in Diego Garcia. After having nothing but light beer and San Miguel for months some friends and I were invited to a cookout in the Filipino contract workers’ village. They brought out the Red Horse and we drank it family style. A very drunk family. I don’t remember

I think the only one of those that I saw back then (other than Return of the Jedi) was Jaws III. I spent the rest of the year seeing things like Risky Business, Trading Places, etc. I also saw some pretty bad 3D B-movies. Anyone remember Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone or Metalstorm: The Destruction of

Top internet scams should also include slideshows that exist only to falsely boost ad metrics.

Aliens. Can we not be stupid for just a few fucking minutes? Is that asking too much?

Now playing

I agree that the Bud Light ad was good. My favorite, though, wasn’t a food or drink ad but instead the T-Mobile ad with John Travolta, Donald Faison and Zach Braff doing a riff on Summer Lovin’. It was another fun one plus the “Specfinity” truck at the end of it was pretty great.

I don’t know what it’s like now because I’ve avoided it like the plague for 10 years, but I5 between Joint Base Lewis-McChord and Everett was only good for catching on your sleep as the traffic certainly didn’t move.