C’mon Ryan, if you’re going to write about science and space you should really be familiar with the X-37B. THAT is what it’s a copy of, not the space shuttle.
If this had never been used on a Bronco before, would you like it? That’s the real question. It sounds like your only criticism is that it was used in the 70s. Do things really have to be black, white, silver or gray?
Does the author really think a Camaro of the vintage shown in the picture has a distributor? C’mon. The LT1s under discussion were from the 90s.
Ariel = singing mermaid with a crabby friend
Herb has killed Deadspin (or at least the scab version of it). How long will Jalopnik last?
Aluminum cylinder heads to replace the terrible low compression smog-era originals. Though if you knew me you’d know I didn’t pony up for some CNC ported AFR units. Nope, cheaped out and went ProMaxx at $1k.
I have my doubts that a variety created mostly for its color would taste better than a Sungold, the pinnacle of cherry tomato flavor.
Can they just bring back lime? Just plain old lime, not anything weird or unusual. Every time I go somewhere with a freestyle machine I’m reminded how much better I like it.
The cartoon Globetrotters! That IS cooler.
That unscrupulous lowest bidder was spun off from Boeing with the express purpose of lowering costs for Boeing through cheaper labor and less oversight. It’s operating exactly as designed.
GenX, always on the move. If it isn’t too much strain and doesn’t hurt. We are getting older. Of course we couldn’t be identified by an actual name in the article because who remembers GenX?
A slideshow that just gives us links to other stories? Very Herb-like.
That’s fine if you just need to go from your mansion to your office building, but what if you need to get to somewhere without an extradition treaty quickly? You’re going to need some longer legs.
But his kids are the right kind of kids so it’s ok.
Everyone seems to have missed another point. He says he’s trying to escape overpopulation yet he has also stated that he thinks population collapse due to low birth rates is a huge risk. On the face of it you’d think it’s contradictory until you realize that he thinks the wrong kind of people are overpopulated and the…
I enjoy 6 out of the 10 so I guess I’m weird. Ok, I know I’m weird. Cinnamon candy canes are great and, as others have stated, good quality cherry cordials and chocolate oranges are really good. Cheap ones are terrible. The others I like are probably due to nostalgia and me being an Olde because I like hard candy,…