
You misheard it. It’s “dark things call to dark things” meaning that it calls to him because he’s a dark thing too. Not much better, but maybe a little? 

Why is the entire article written like it’s a Boeing issue (with one line addressing Airbus) when Airbus is included in the quoted article? It was obviously an issue with a company that supplies both Boeing and Airbus. So if you say Boeing should have caught the issue then Airbus should have too. Counterfeit parts are

Does the author really think a Camaro of the vintage shown in the picture has a distributor? C’mon. The LT1s under discussion were from the 90s.

Some ads purposefully mislabel themselves, though. Because I’m old and live in a conservative area I get bombarded by Trump and gun paraphernalia ads even though I’ve said I don’t want political or “outdoors” ads. The Trump ads label themselves as “financial” or some other bullshit. The gun nuts will go with “fashion”

Can a conspiracy theorist please explain why Boeing would kill a whistleblower after they’ve given testimony? That bit of 3D chess is beyond my simple brain. 

Ariel = singing mermaid with a crabby friend

Herb has killed Deadspin (or at least the scab version of it). How long will Jalopnik last?

Aluminum cylinder heads to replace the terrible low compression smog-era originals. Though if you knew me you’d know I didn’t pony up for some CNC ported AFR units. Nope, cheaped out and went ProMaxx at $1k. 

I have my doubts that a variety created mostly for its color would taste better than a Sungold, the pinnacle of cherry tomato flavor.

Can they just bring back lime? Just plain old lime, not anything weird or unusual. Every time I go somewhere with a freestyle machine I’m reminded how much better I like it.

The cartoon Globetrotters! That IS cooler. 

Still not as cool as a Happy Days lunch box and thermos.

A rich, white, product of apartheid South Africa just might be a racist? I’m shocked.

Of course they won't meet up until the mid season break or season finale. Nothing ever happens in this universe at any other time.

Good! What we really need are more prequels!!!

That unscrupulous lowest bidder was spun off from Boeing with the express purpose of lowering costs for Boeing through cheaper labor and less oversight. It’s operating exactly as designed.

GenX, always on the move. If it isn’t too much strain and doesn’t hurt. We are getting older. Of course we couldn’t be identified by an actual name in the article because who remembers GenX?

A slideshow that just gives us links to other stories? Very Herb-like. 

I’ve got just the man for the job:

The rack brackets add $250.