
Yep, I was just saying that the Super Bowl= Big Game play on words flew over my head. In other words, I'm an idiot.

I took “big game” differently, as in “big game hunting”, but I like yours better.

I’m afraid that Cleese has devolved into an upper class twit.

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I was rewatching the Fishin’ Musician with The Plasmatics the other day. Glamping with Wendy O!

Oh yeah, “product guys” always start by laying off engineers. Also a great way to improve quality. Sure.

Off topic, but has anyone ever looked more British than Graham Hill? To me he always looked like his just landed his Spitfire and was on his way for a cuppa.

Pretty standard for music contracts back then. The record companies got the vast bulk of the money with the songwriter getting a slice. The artist, if they didn’t write their own songs, mainly made money through touring. Lots of bands broke up over arguing about songwriting credit. 

The claimed low salt level of MD’s fries does not match my experiences, but it could be up to the variability of the employees doing the salting. 

Upon further review it looks like that restriction was removed last year. Huzzah!

Fun fact: I cannot donate blood because I was stationed in Spain in the 80s and there is a slight chance that I was exposed to mad cow. So if any of youse need A+ blood don’t come crawling to me, and blame the Brits. 

The CNBC show wasn’t great anyway. It was a car show for people who weren’t car enthusiasts. The real deal is his YouTube channel.

The Jack In The Box closest to me has a Coke Freestyle offering, but trying to order even a lime flavored Coke in the drive-thru can be an exercise in frustration.

So under this definition did Shawn from Psych have a superpower? We see him as a kid getting trained by his dad, but Henry didn’t have the same level of gift. Superpower or developed skill?

I didn’t realize that Giordano’s was a chain now, but I haven’t been to Chicago since 1985. A few things might have changed since the days when baby me was hopping the train from the North Chicago Navy base down to the big city. 

Fully agree with Johnson here. “Any Old Port In A Storm” is brilliant. The final scene is wonderful. You haven’t quite captured the plot, though, as Pleasence kills his brother because he’s going to sell the family winery. Columbo and Pleasance’s character actually start to respect each other by the end which is

Interesting! They look like something from the interwar period during the transition from biplanes to monoplanes. Only back then the struts increased drag considerably.

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According to this, almost nobody lives in some of the tallest high rises.

No smells in the luxury high rises. Each unit spans a floor (or two).

He was a close friend of Julia Child and that’s says it all.

I remember Slice, but not Teem. I guess back in those days if I wanted a lemon-lime soda I would just go with an uncola.