
“We’re coming from an irrational time of overspending with limited focus on return on investment,” Wiedenfels says, adding that 2023 is about “relaunching and building.”

Not every show needs a season long overarching plot. On procedurals like this it’s usually some tacked on, tired conspiracy plot or a lame supposedly “boss level” baddie that takes time away from character development and making an actually interesting main plot.

Once again “searched for” ≠ “popular” . When will this crap ever stop? 

This again. Kinja was born because Denton was frustrated that Gizmodo's big iPhone story wouldn't stay on the top of the page.

The news isn’t that he can’t get a show now, given what he has shown himself to be, but that somehow his snake oil pushing show stayed on the air for 13 seasons. What a quack.

“The tragedy of the case is that Ms. Holmes is brilliant,”

I thought the real meaning of Life Day was for elderly Wookies to get aroused by a hologram of Diahann Carroll. 

How do you define “offroad”? Nobody is taking it to Moab, but plenty of people take these things up to the mountains via unmaintained two tracks.

I would argue in favor of the Muppet Family Christmas that features all of the Muppets (including the Sesame Street ones) plus the Fraggles.

Back in the days when I had to deposit an actual physical paycheck, the nearest place to do so was inside a Safeway so I’d do the deposit and have some of the spicy Gen. Tso’s chicken. Fairly tasty, for the price. I have no idea how it is now after Albertsons gobbled them up.

To not even mention The Manchurian Candidate is an extremely large omission. She was fantastically vile in it.

You should really edit that headline since the Merchant Marines and the U.S. Marine Corp. are two different things with the latter usually being referred to as “Marines”.

Maybe the same relationship as farmer to barn cats? Not exactly domesticated but useful in keeping vermin down so allowed to stay. Pretty common for someone to adopt a closer relationship to a certain barn cat too.

The retail style u-pick apple orchards get overrun during picking season around here so I’ll probably have to go without unless I can talk someone in to going up there mid-week. The last time I tried to spend a calm relaxing fall day picking apples I sat in traffic for an hour. 

It’s not a unique situation. Carl’s Jr. and Hardees are similar. 

You enjoy week after week, episode after episode of nothing but misery and suffering? It’s not only a chore to watch it’s just unrealistic. People would kill themselves. Even in the most miserable circumstances people find a way to smile, laugh or find something to live for.

I hope they learned the lesson that a series can’t be a never-ending grim slog. There has to be moments of light and humor. Not only does it give the audience a break but in reality it’s also how people survive tragic times. Gallows humor and practical jokes, among other things, are coping mechanisms.

The commercial huckleberry pickers have a reputation of using devices that destroy the bush while stripping the berries so I’m not a big fan of big corporations using huckleberries, besides they usually just throw in some tiny pieces and call it good. Dealing with the terrain, biting flies, mosquitos, and underbrush

While we don’t go to O’ahu, the only we’ve ever had is being stuck in a vehicle that we didn’t want. We went to the Big Island not long after Hawaii opened for tourists again in Feb. 2021 and got put in a Tahoe which was nice but too big, and we went to Maui in February this year and got Rogue which is a Nissan and

Because in 2022 every show needs to be serialized and have a mystery/conspiracy to solve.