
Money laundering in racing? I’ve never heard such an outrage!

I bought a supply of high filtration filters just for smoke season. AQI over 200 right now in Spokane and it’s still livable in the house with the AC on. 

Better to let them rot on the vine than to sell them? That's an odd outlook.

Oh god, is that a conversation pit

But just for one buyer.

I’m thinking 1942-45 might have been worse. There were no cars and no parts at all. 

I’ve read that the test screenings did not go well, but it’s been well documented that test screenings are far from infallible. 

My Epcot visit was when I was stationed in Orlando on a Navy base that hasn’t existed in a long, long time now. Epcot in 1985, at least for me, consisted of visiting a few things (getting stuck at the top of the big golf ball planetarium was a highlight) and then drinking around the world. In other words, I got

Just a little background, last year we had a terrible heatwave that was completely out of the norm both in temps and in date. This is more like a normal late July early August heatwave. 

It’s very important. During last year’s PNW heatwave (110 ain’t normal around here) our AC died and the main floor was miserable but the basement was still very livable due to the insulation factor of good old earth added to the regular stuff.

Tesla, much to it’s chagrin, is not a tech company. They build cars.

Only if he stops being a megalomaniac and general asshole. We all know that ain’t happening. 

We’re regulars at our local Mexican place and have come to know the servers and owner pretty well so when we go it’s like visiting friends. They also tend to make our drinks, let’s just say on the strong side. Sometimes a little too strong, though of course we don’t complain. 

50 year olds are not boomers. We are GenX and we would rather not get in the middle of your fights. Please just continue to ignore us as we lead our lives.

The “demographic” part of the statement is key. He means that there haven’t been enough white people being born. 

I got being dumped by a woman I really liked. I hit the road with no destination in mind and ended up going over the North Cascades highway. The absolutely gorgeous scenery and the great driving over both Sherman pass and the NC highway cleared my mind and by the time I hit Anacortes and dipped my toes in the water I

That amount should be just about enough to create some pretty renders and an animation. Build a supersonic airplane? Not even close.

The picture seems to be of a cordless mower while the description reads corded. Big difference. 

The picture seems to be of a cordless mower while the description reads corded. Big difference. 

I hope that TPTB are satisfied now that all of the sites are now just listicle generators. Seems to be 80% of content now.

Your bourbon definition needs some tweaking. Not only is the part about the proof wrong but it doesn’t mention that the barrels must be new oak.