
Teaching the basics of money does nothing to help people who are desperate. They are poor, they aren’t fucking stupid. Most of them know what’s up, but they don’t feel they have a choice. They are grasping at straws with the hope that somehow they can pay it off in time. Allowing people to prey on that desperation is

Fuck and No. I started working on my grandfather’s dairy farm every summer starting at age 12. I have no fucking desire to play farmer even if it doesn’t involve stacking haybales, cow shit, or fencing pliers. 

I stopped watching years ago because the show was increasingly becoming Top Caterer instead of Top Chef. Every episode had them cooking partly in the kitchen and then finishing and serving on site. Top Caterer would be a perfectly fine show, but that’s not what this show was supposed to be. I’m told they mostly

It’s been too long for me to remember the specifics about the movie but I’ve read that it was normal for the wife and kids to go to one of those resorts and the husband would stay in the city to work during the week and come up on weekends. 

A “life coach”. I guess if you can’t do, teach.

A drag strip isn’t a track?

My God, it’s full of stars!

I do like that they offer an option for a warmer color temp than modern lights.

That’s what I was wondering too. I have an old car that takes incandescent bulbs. Aftermarket LED conversions are notoriously horrible. 

My college roommate was all about Pantera, Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves. Anytime I hear any of them I’m transported right back to a time and place. 

Wrote a bunch of hit songs, starred in a bunch of hit movies.  Not a bad life. 

Kris knows what freedom smells like!

The most fun was seeing the faces of the local Spokane news readers’ faces when they did the story. A really unique mix of amusement and disgust. 

More Transformers movies is always a good thing

Yep, Krystal was SE to White Castle's midwest.

During my misspent youth in the 80s (misspent it in the Navy) I was in both Chicago and Orlando. So you’re pitching White Castle against Krystal in my mind since they both served the “need a bag of tiny burgers after drinking” market. Since I’m now reading that Krystal went bankrupt I guess White Castle wins.

Of course it’s boldly going very slowly.

That’s what I referred to “growly” but croaky is probably a better description. 

I would argue about the Brits being able to do American accents with no problem. While they are almost always better than Americans doing Brits, they tend to end up all growly and flat.

I definitely have my shocked face on. A celebrity is an idiot? Wow. Earth shattering.