
He had the Opus strip for a while but that didn’t really recapture the feeling for me. I didn’t know about the Facebook thing, though, as I avoid ZuckWorld like the plague. 

I loved Bloom County. I bought the books, the stuffed Opus, the Bill the Cat merch etc. I probably still have a Billy and the Boingers record around here somewhere. It was very much a product of the 80s, though. I wonder how well it could possibly translate.

Lotus 79 gets my vote for all time.

I haven’t been since I was stationed in Orlando at a base that no longer exists, but my main advice is: don’t go in summer. It’s awful. Disney in early May was great, comfortable weather and no lines. Disney in July was torture with high heat, high humidity and an absolute crush of people. I don’t remember much about E

Congratulations, you have written the stupidest thing I’ve seen on the internet today. Quite the accomplishment. 

Who decided that the right way to do an American accent is to growl everything? Hugh Laurie is the first one I noticed with it, but I’m sure he had some kind of coach. 

I’ll vote for face-to-face. I like looking at the person I’m talking to. I don’t think side-by-side is weird, and we sit that way when with another couple, but when there is just the two of us, face-to-face is preferable. 

The food at Gonzaga was fine when I was there, not anything special, but fine. No raw chicken that I remember. Then again I was also in the Navy so my bar for judging dining (chow) halls is pretty low.

We normally stop at the Kahului Costco when we go to Maui and fuel up with some of their poke after stocking up on groceries for the stay. It’s a nice way to give yourself a boost on what is usually a long day of airports, airplanes, rental car counters and herding luggage. It’s not bad, it’s poke in Hawaii after all,

Don’t look at me, I totally did spoonfuls of dry Nesquik powder both chocolate and strawberry. The strawberry wasn’t good. Don’t do that. 

Any easy way to trim the length is to have just one villain. I don’t know why there has to be 3 villains in one movie. Or two villains and one whatever Catwoman is going to be this time. Having multiple antagonists takes away time that could be spent developing one. 

Now playing

The Bionic Man was from a lifting body. I thought it was one of the X planes but a quick Google tells me it was the Northrop M2-F2.

I get decent download speed from Verizon’s “5G Nationwide” kinda-sorta 5G network, 150Mbps or so, but the upload speed really drags the team down. It’s usually 1-2Mbps. 

Yeah, no other old Ford products have ever gone for big money. Cobras? GT40s? What are those? Never heard of them. 

I’d agree to a point. I graduated high school in 83. Trends didn’t move as fast back in the pre-internet days. By the time something reached my backwards little region it had been over for 3 years in L.A. 

As a kid in the 70s the 50s were very big. See: Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, and Sha-Na-Na. 

Does Loleatta Holloway show up to make Marky palatable? 

Now, please get to the bottom of why I was given a folded (processed, frozen) egg on the last McMuffin I ordered instead of the superior round (fresh) egg. What a disappointment.

Yeah, there is a drive-through espresso stand on every corner around here. I’m not sure how that doesn’t register as an obsession.