
I’m a big fan of stinky cheese with Stilton as probably my favorite. 

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So now he’s doing for houses what he used to do for Euro cars?

I’m in Washington and people think about things like Dungeness crab or geoduck but that’s only in one area of the state. The same can be said for fruit like apples or cherries which are mostly on the dry side. Before the dams it would have been very easy to just say salmon but those runs aren’t there anymore. Still,

If a company can figure out how to perfectly toast a slice of bread, it can surely bring something to the table with regards to Android smartphone design.

Cooper is more of a “normie”, despite his stage persona, so I can understand why he didn’t fit in with The Factory. His religiosity wouldn’t really mesh with them. I don’t think most people would have fit in there, even those of us who are not religious. Plus, I think we’ve all been given something that is fine but

I briefly worked for a trucking company and even back in 2017 their major effort was recruiting drivers, not getting customers. They had plenty of the latter and way too few of the former. The thing is the pay scale is per mile which means that the drivers are screwed if they hit bad weather or other road closures.

If your company has Google Workspace then you can use “Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook” to sync them. 

You don’t want to wear masks? Then get your fucking shot, you complete imbecile. People not getting their shots will prolong having to wear masks. It’s a pretty simple equation. 

It would have been interesting to see the reaction if it was a little further south close to Diego Garcia. 

It is not a holy grail and you are not a savior. It’s just an old car and you are a car enthusiast with a hoarding tendency. If this was your only project car then I’d toast you and look forward to the stories, but you are seriously starting to let your cars control you again. 

It’s a wonderful movie that is strangely overlooked these days. It’s full of absolutely great faces. Not pretty faces, but interesting faces with character.

Since it’s based on the Ranger I’m not sure a manual Aerostar is all that rare. Maybe the passenger version is but I’d guess there were a few panel versions sold for commercial use. 

Who’s playing Cher?

I keep reading conflicting advice on this so I decided to do the safe thing and do nothing. I’m good at that. 

I suspect that he’s doing ok. Between MASH, Top Gun and Alien he should be getting by and that’s not even counting that sweet Death Valley Days money. 

The movie Patriot Games was so much better than the book. Did Clancy really think we would buy Prince Charles as some kind of man of action? 

I was on the Big Island in late March and was a little ticked off that all they could give me was either a Tahoe or minivan when I much prefer something smaller when . It turns out that I was lucky to get anything.

A guy is pretty funny and knows his way around a vehicle.