They say “jumpsuit”, I say “coveralls”. I can get a good set from Dickies for $2500 less.
They say “jumpsuit”, I say “coveralls”. I can get a good set from Dickies for $2500 less.
Wait, you take in all of these neglected Jeeps that have been sitting in barns and fields for years and you don’t have a Shop-Vac?
It also shows Bond as much more ruthless than later versions. He cooly kills the professor in cold blood with a pithy little “That’s a Smith and Wesson and you’ve had your six”.
That’s the thing about protective equipment that people don’t know, there is a method to putting it on and taking it off correctly. When I was in the military training at a nuclear plant, we spent a good amount of time learning how to correctly put on and take off anti-contamination suits. It’s not like getting…
My first car was a ‘72 Gran Torino very much like the one in that movie. You can imagine my mixed feelings.
Finish something!!! Seriously, I know it’s easier to dream but you have to actually get one of your heaps in to the condition you dreamt about when you got it before getting yet another project.
Nevermind the truck thing, let's discuss why you think that including"You people" in your headlines is a good idea.
When I was in Costco last week they were entirely out of Fletcher’s bacon, they still had Kirkland but obviously somebody has been buying plenty of bacon. Unless it was just one of those Costco things where they don’t stock crap sometimes.
Thirty five to sixty is not their current demo, though, is it? Doesn’t it start at maybe 55 and then go up from there?
Believe me, we’re all happy they aren’t laying people off (yet) but nobody is ever overjoyed about getting their pay cut.
The short answer is that it is working from home. The, slightly, longer answer is that the difference only matters to me as I’m the only one who worked from the office full time. Everyone else only came in once a week and that’s only if they are local. Some live elsewhere and only work from home.
My company just let us know we’re getting hit with a 15% cut, not the 10% cut that had been floated. This will be in effect for at least all of Q2. They will pay it back if the company is profitable at the end of the year, but nobody seriously thinks that’s going to be the case.
When I saw the headline my guess was that it had to do with triticale wheat. The real answer is much cooler.
I have a theory that car shows are crap because the people producing them aren’t car people and think that the car stuff is boring so they go with either the manufactured drama or focus on the money angle, or some combination of both, because that’s what interests them.
Good for rural communities in the south or the north in summer time, but winter days in the north, when there are less than 8 hours of pretty weak sun (when you can even see it through the clouds and fog) a day, might be challenging.
Westland Distillery in Seattle is also doing it according to this list.
I let the car down on to the stands and then raise the jack back up so it’s in contact but not holding any weight and leave it there as a backup unless the jack will be in the way.