
My wife went to the grocery store Friday and said that while some things were running out corned beef was plentiful (as was Guiness) so that’s why we ended up with three of them too. They also had plenty of Swiss cheese and rye bread so we’re set for sandwiches. 

There are drop boxes at libraries and other locations for those that don’t trust the USPS.

Here in Washington voting is only by mail. They send you a ballot before every election and you have to have it back postmarked by at least election day. You can either mail it or drop it in special boxes at designated locations. 

Or they can vote by mail like civilized states do.  

My 71 Camaro’s front fenders and hood were harvested as well as a heater blower motor, steering column, one of the upper control arms and thermostat housing. Pickings are getting thin now, though. Even the later 70s second gen Camaros have disappeared from the boneyards around here.

Thank you, I will rest peacefully knowing that the mail got checked.

In theory, yes but it would be parked in the driveway of a house that only cost three times as much. That's not good economics.

My company sent out an email that everyone was supposed to work from home until further notice. Except me. Now, I’m one of those that are more productive at the office but that felt a little like I was the designated sacrificial lamb. They amended that to me coming in 2-3 times a week.

I can almost wrap my head around why there is a run on some of these things, but the bottled water one has me stumped. This isn’t a hurricane and people aren’t creating earthquake survival kits. If we get to the stage of municipal water systems failing we’re well and truly fucked.

I got that email yesterday, only it specifically said that everyone is supposed to work from home except ME. I am negotiating for hazard pay. I don’t like my chances. 

Some people are in to self flagellation in the name of uniqueness. They will endure absolutely anything if it makes them feel different than anyone else. I am not one of those people. Pass.

I should have been a little clearer. My stepdaughter is 27 and living on her own. Before, though, she existed on what amounts to “bachelor chow” but this gives her a chance to learn skills and get a tastier more nutritious meal. It does also give her a sense of satisfaction as well as confidence.

We use Hello Fresh. It’s kind of a step-up from heat and serve meals without having to plan meals in advance. Basically, it’s the convenience factor that we’re paying for. My stepdaughter is also using it and for her it’s a learning tool. For the first time she’s cooking real meals for herself and discovering that

The Zune was great.

I agree with everything Alex said in that quote. I would also add that they need to get over their addiction to cliffhangers and “event” episodes. It seems like the only time big plot moments happen is for the season premiere/end and midseason premiere/end so you can watch those four episodes and be pretty much caught

I have made the same argument, having driven a friend’s Fairlady when I was in the Navy, but I’m always shouted down by the JDM fanatics. 

I’m thinking it was all done to make the car look even bigger than it was. Lower, longer, wider was the style of the day.

I imagine it’s for profit margin reasons. The cost of the LT4 is amortized across multiple vehicles, and it’s probably much cheaper to produce in the first place. 

It’s ok, I guess, in a Land Rover + Lexus mashup kind of way. And Chinese firms tend to think that grabbing a random guy who says he knows English to translate things for them is perfectly fine.

In ten days I’m heading for Kauai. That should help.