
The character was named Joseph Wladislaw. I’d say that’s Polish but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie.   

Can’t we just spoil it by saying the Polish guy is the only prisoner to survive and skip it?

Most of the cool cars my parents had date to when I was very little and I don’t remember a lot about them. My dad is a Ford guy so the list is a ‘57 Fairlane (with the 312 Thunderbird Special), a ‘63 Galaxie convertible and a ‘67 Galaxie convertible. They also had a ‘72 Gran Torino that became my first car. Back then

I’ve used to read a ton of those, but “used to” is the operative phrase. I hope they will preserve the online library because there is a lot of valuable info in those pages. 

Now playing

Townshend has always been, and always will be, a miserable SOB. His bitterness about everything and everyone has always come through. Any interview I’ve seen where he’s asked about writing a particular song has him going off about his bandmates and how he had to bend over backwards for them. Great songwriter,

I was going to ask the same thing. That’s where I went for drunken munchies when I was stationed in Orlando. 

The first computer I ever touched was an Apple II+ so I can respect your mad coding skillz.

I thought the plot had already leaked somewhere?

I’m thinking this has more to do with the overinflated 911 market more than a general softening in the classic car market. Both are happening, but the 911 market was a bubble so big that even Dougie DeMuro was pointing it out.

Jalopnik needs to buy one and have someone on staff model it. I would suggest Jason. David could do it too, but Jason has that certain “something” that a good model needs. David just brings an up to date tetanus shot record.

That’s long term thinking. That’s not the American way!

Remember, they sold 380,000 Mustang IIs in 1974 vs 135,000 in 1973. The Mustang II never got down to the ‘73 level of sales. To Ford they were successful. It’s when considering what they were like to drive that they were failures.

Where’s Pete?

Five years ago when current product was designed it was far from a sure thing that Tesla would even survive. GM is not alone in missing the EV boat as car manufacturers become more and more conservative as they get bigger. Did they, and Toyota and Honda and a raft of other manufacturers get it wrong? Certainly, and

GM took one look at Tesla’s upstart success, and decided to make an electric Nissan Versa rival instead.

Graham Hill was the most English looking Englishman to ever English. I believe his mustache was awarded the OBE.

How many subscribers are Verizon customers who get the first year for free? Count me in that group.

Wasn’t GM bigger than Ford? Anyway, being a car nut it’s hard for me to work up the desire to watch this because I know how things ultimately turn out and I’m not talking about who wins the race.

All I know is that you always drink gin with a mark, kid. They can’t tell if you cut it.