
If you love them let them go. Wouldn’t you rather have them go to someone who will use them and maintain them than for them to sit neglected and deteriorating in your yard? Remember, you are selling things, not the memories they helped you make.

What a shame. It’s a downright travesty. Why is a SEMA car painted gray?

I’m honestly surprised that Kristen didn’t get some good old fashioned racism to go with the misogyny. Is this progress? Yeah, I didn’t think so either.  

My wife is going to be pissed. Gingerbread is her favorite holiday flavoring by far.

Q: How out of tune was my vocal?

I thought it was a big mistake to mandate that all Dodge cars had to adopt the truck grill for “branding” purposes but the exterior styling miscues were miniscule next to the interiors. 

I think that looks great but the exterior styling of the Magnum wasn’t really the issue. It was the interior, which was cost cut to oblivion. 

Pictured: Boomer at work

The only problem I foresee is that Roger is not a young man so what happens when he does pass from the scene? Then there won’t be that person of sterling reputation at the helm and the thing could implode, but I agree that as long as Penske himself is there running things it will be a good thing.

“I can resist anything except temptation.”
Oscar Wilde

Or, and this might be a bit “out there”, you could have a coworker who lives in California or Texas keep a look out for a solid rust-free shell and limit your project list to mechanical items instead of rust repair. Also, what happened to culling the herd?

You say “screw strap” I say “hose clamp”. Either way it works.

In the US they were sold by Lincoln/Mercury dealers. They had no idea how to sell a supercar.

I will admit to trying it. It was terrible. I wasn’t expecting much, and it didn’t even get to those low expectations. 

So those of us in states that use mail-in ballots will have to stick with plain old non-premium porn. Doesn’t seem right.

So they just did a total redesign of their bread and butter products and then introduce this afterward? I assume it will be in the pickup which is their main money maker but having the Explorer, Edge and Escape be stuck with the previous generation for the next few years doesn’t make sense to me.

When I was looking for a picture to illustrate morning dress most of them were from British royal events. Both with, and without, top hats.

In your list of needlessly complex dress codes you forgot “morning dress”.

You need some King Cobra action.

It would be nice if the Ford duratec 3.0 would swap in. That would give you at least 200hp.