
And you should know!

Drive for another team the first few times to get a feel of how you want to do things?

Here is when I confess that I once drove for two hours to go to McDonalds. I was stationed on a base located in the middle of nowhere in the Andalucia region of Spain in the late 80s and a few of us had a collective bout of homesickness so off we went. I don’t remember the food but I do vividly remember trying to

I think some of their figures are spot on while others are horrendous. I’m not sure why it varies so much. 

I’m not sure anyone expected the defense to be as atrocious as it’s been but you’re right that nobody anticipated anything approaching a winning season this year.

Remember, he’s still a Mariner.

I would suggest Spies Who Should Be Allowed to Speak in Their Native Accent. Kudos to Lauren Cohan for being the only Brit on TWD to actually try a southern accent but let the woman speak normally. 

You guys go so far as to suggest a Corvair, but not a car that billed itself as a four door sports car? For shame.

Well, there is one sports coupe, though not a sports car, that has ample back seat room.

Double feature with Slither

Not only is Jeremy Clarkson an old curmudgeon who sometimes (almost always) lets his prejudices color his reviews, often to hilarious ends, but he’s also 6'5". What he finds uncomfortable might be just fine for others and vice versa.  

When you start lusting over Tempos and Chevettes it’s time to seek professional help. You are equating “different” with “good” or “fun” and that just isn’t true. They were, are, and will ever be total and complete shit boxes.

It’s not the food, he seems to be a genuinely nice guy. He wore us down. 

Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show is underrated Diamond. 

What if your hair was orange as hell when you were younger but as you aged it muted to sort of a reddish brown? This was my hair back in the day.

So you have Milo Ventimiglia and the people behind Marley&Me?  I’m sure it’s a laugh riot. 

It must be a trend. They did a gullwing replica on Bitchin’ Rides too.

One of my uncles was on USS Halibut (a repurposed missile boat) during the Cold War days and their mission was similar. They delivered SEALs in to Soviet harbors to tap communication lines. It was called Operation Ivy Bells.

It’s Lee Marvin walking around with that dying kid on his shoulders that really hits me hard.

If you don’t think Michael Emerson isn’t a person I care about, a person of interest so to speak, we’re done here.