
Judging from that promo it should be Jason Sits and Moves His Arm Disturbingly. 

I’ve watched movies like The Maltese Falcon many, many times but the honest answer is probably Ghostbusters. It’s on TV all the time and I can’t resist it. 

I’m confused. If it has an HEI why did it need a condenser and points? Other than that, great build and article! 

Too brown.

Second Chance wasn’t terrible. 

When your defining issue for running for office is keeping taxes low for billionaires I just don’t think you’re going to strike a chord with the average voter. Sure, Trump has the same motivation but he didn’t run on it.  

You think you’re old? I confused her with Julie Kavner at first. 

No, other prior tries the military did for small reactors for remote locations were mentioned but SL-1 was not. I just wanted to remind people that SL-1 existed since it seems to be forgotten. I first learned about it when I was working (much later) at the same site where it was located but had never heard of it

I’m not sure people would head out of town on a Tuesday in November, but that brings up another point. Why not move election day to a Saturday?

Don’t want to make it easier to physically go to the polls? Ok, then let’s make voting by mail, like my state does, universal. That’s much better, right? No freeloading federal workers there!

Saying that Gene Simmons is an asshole is not exactly ground breaking news. 

They’ll leave that “Xs and Os” stuff for the 8 hour pregame show. 

Zombieland 2: Cardio? Zombieland 2: Seatbelts?

I’m sure that it will be much safer, not that being safer than SL-1 would be difficult. I trained on a reactor on the same site as SL-1 and even that ancient relic (S1W) was worlds better.

From what I remember of the accident report they theorized that the rod was sticking so the guy who was trying to hook it back up after a maintenance routine applied too much force (manually!), it let go suddenly and then it was as you said. Prompt critical, water flashing to steam, overpressure, and boom.

Yeah, we were told the snow story when I was at S1W on the INEL (at the time) site but since you don’t just go wandering around out there we could never prove it. It makes a good story, though.

When I was training at the S1W reactor on the same site we had to read accidents reports from various nuclear accidents. Since SL-1 was located right there (and included somebody getting impaled by a control rod) I paid more attention to that one.

They also tried designing a reactor for use by the Army in the Arctic. It was named SL-1 and there is a spot in Idaho where the snow will not stick because the debris from the accident that killed 3 people (one pretty horribly) are buried there.


He is taking his motivation for running directly from Abraham Lincoln, sort of. He is running so that government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich shall not perish from the earth.