
He took the pizza place’s

Can we shoot for a full half of the cast of Two Guys and a Girl?

The thing is that in that situation he was supposed throw the ball out of the back of the endzone right away if there wasn’t anything there. He should never have tried to spin or extend the play so he shouldn’t have been in the situation where he had to try to throw it away while off balance. 

Well, there it is. At least we all know that we can safely ignore Alanis’s takes now. It’s obvious that she has experienced some kind of head trauma that prevents her from thinking clearly. It’s sad, really. 

I should restate that. It should be “air-cooled VWs and vaguely Jeep shaped rust”. 

So the writer responsible for the actual journalism that appeared on this site is leaving? Crap. It’s going to be all air-cooled VWs and rusty Jeeps from now on, isn’t it?

We did the aged eggnog recipe from Alton Brown. We gave it a taste test the other night and all you can taste is the bourbon. This isn’t a bad thing but there are two other forms of booze in there along with the non-alcoholic ingredients and I’d kind of like to taste those too. We might have to adjust the proportions

Those 3D puzzles are Harry Potter ones to go with the Hogwarts Great Hall puzzle I gave her last year (which she loved). One is the astronomy tower and the other is Diagon Alley. Personally I would love to get the Lego Saturn V set but I don’t think it will happen.

Not as far as I know. According to the Wiki her song Ball and Chain was included in a list of 500 songs that shaped rock and roll but she hasn’t been recognized personally. In fact the “Recognition” area of her Wikipedia page is pretty salty about it. 

I got my daughter some 3D puzzles and wireless headphones. Of course she’s 28 so there’s that. 

Now playing

Still no love for Big Mama Thorton? Sigh.

What about Beer beer?

You’re absolutely right about small towns. It seems like every small town in my region (eastern Washington/northern Idaho) seems to have at least one brewpub. Some of them are even good. 

File this under “Mid-Engine Jeep”. 

That duck is truly amuck. 

Nothing will help the surprisingly large number of people who I see driving home every night with their lights off, not to mention those with only their DRLs or parking lights on. 

Russell Wilson giveth, Russell Wilson taketh away. He does boneheaded shit like this trying to make a big play instead of just throwing the fucking ball away right away, then he makes a 40 yard run. After running for his life every play for the last two years he gets the benefit of the doubt from me.

Kudos for the video from the Live in Australia album.

Now playing

The best Christmas song is Father Christmas by The Kinks.

Sounds like a way to add some excitement to your life, doesn’t it?