
Everyone involved in Chevy styling should take a long deep look at themselves and try to figure out where they went wrong with their lives. 

I knew it!

Is any one else having issues with embedded Instagram videos not showing up? It looks fine with mobile Chrome on Android but totally blank with Chome on my iPad and it’s been an ongoing thing.

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The Muppet Show was for kids, but it wasn’t childish.

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Thanks cdoggyd, for reminding me of that really old joke! To you kids, you have no idea how big Kenny Rogers was back then. He was everywhere. Even The Muppet Show.

I preferred the First Edition of the Kenny Rogers joke. 

It’s not just the GOP men. My rep, Cathy McMorris-Rogers (R-WA), has not run a single ad that promotes her ideas or accomplishments. They have all been ads attacking her opponent. Her voice isn’t even heard on any of the ads except for the “I approve this message” part. You would think that somebody who has been in

This may come as a shock to some but “better” is sometimes better that “unique”.

You are not alone! 

And not knowing what kind of farm it is (horse? wheat? dairy?) kind of makes it hard to be specific. I was just trying to answer the question as asked. Leasing the land does make the most sense if that’s viable where he is. My grandfather grew most of his hay on land that was leased from other people while his actual

Except that it’s a purpose built pushrod Toyota race engine. I’m not sure if Jegs has many of those. If they want to slap in a Chevy SB2 then it might be easier. 

And hail Satan, it’s not white. 

True, he said he needed a different truck so I’m assuming that it’s not suitable for farm use for whatever reason.

I’m shocked he didn’t get more. If he had defrauded regular people I’d fully expect the sentence to be lenient but he defrauded rich people. I thought he’d get at least 10 years. 

Good point. 

These solutions only prove that none of you have any idea of what happens on a farm. Get an old full-sized 4x4 truck. Not a lifted one, not a King Ranch, not a tiny little thing that can’t carry hay bales or tractor parts across a field. A simple, no-frills full-sized 4x4 truck.

True, but that sound they make when they’re being eaten isn’t great either. 

But they were better than 8-tracks and playing vinyl in your car was not really advisable, though some companies tried it. Their only advantage over CD was that it was easy to change tapes on the fly.

Good for you! I remember when I was little I saw a model of the solar system and asked a teacher if the planets were really lined up like that or if their orbital planes actually varied (in little kid terms of course) she looked at me like I had three heads and shooed me away. Not exactly the way to encourage