
boyfriend is taking a bath, reading. I barge in, demanding to know if all men are terrible, eyes blazing

Yeah I would agree with the Shark and Reptile designs...those are pretty boss. The oscillating quality on the art worries me though for those that invested. And the character animations are kind of shitty thus far.

You're joking right? The furries... they melt my eyes.

Okay, good troll, but I'll bite anyway: "Making him feel invisible and unwanted." A lot of us feel this way. It stinks. Our society is very atomized and competitive, and often superficial and mean. Feeling lonely is one thing. I have been there, and I have nothing but the deepest sympathy.

If you eat fast food but would never date a burger flipper...If you use the toilet but would never date a plumber....If you go to the circus but would never date a clown...

The problem with Madonna is that the only time the overtly sexy styling looks good is with mountains of Photoshop. If she wants to speak about women taking control of their sexuality more power to her. But dressing like you're 20 when you're 50 is not sexy. Aging with grace is so much sexier than holding onto an

Why is all the cool stuff in Cobb County? I hate Cobb County. And I just shaved my beard. Now I'm depressed. If only there was a bar I could drown my sorrows at. If only Gwinnett County didn't suck so much.

It's not just the nose. It's also those goddamned humanoid lips!

It's the noses! Those damned humanoid noses!

But then where does her "biological clock" fit in?

I really wish I hadn't found out she's a scientologist. Now I look at her and taste ashes.

The problem I have with it, is that it just doesn't illustrate the bbehavior. Men aren't intimidated by a woman complimenting them, a little weirded out maybe, but that would be the extent of it.

It's not really the same as female genital mutilation. If the entire glans were cut off (the glans being what the clitoris becomes in developing males), it might be similar. Or if the foreskin was sewn shut and then had to be ripped open during the first intercourse (the vagina is often sewn shut in FGM after the

Is it the only available or the only one in stock at that store? Because on the very site you linked to, there are 2 other Princess Leia available. And on Amazon, there plenty more.

No. I will not shut up. There's a difference between writing a good headline and the "Most amazing story you'll see all day!" garbage HuffPo (and Gawker sometimes) is known for. That is the fucking worst.

Re: Madonna as The Khaleesi

Taking a sack of potatoes, a frozen chicken or some eggs could be hunger. Stealing $2000 of merchandise with the help of an accomplice is grand larceny, probably by a professional thief.

I had two simultaneous thoughts. The first was yours—something sordid. The second was that one of his sons or daughters pushed him out in a power play aimed at solidifying who controls the "church" after Fred Phelps.

To any and all people considering giving him a taste of his own medicine and picketing his funeral: PLEASE DON'T. Starve the troll. Let him fade into oblivion without a bat of the eye from anyone besides his diabolical cult family.

Agreed. If they're picking on just the LGBT participants, the outlash is deserved. But if they're banning all promotions which are on the same plane of personal, religious, or social advertisement, this isn't an issue.