In fairness, nobody’s better at turning left than Nascar.
In fairness, nobody’s better at turning left than Nascar.
She seems like a jackass, but I’m not altogether sure how that’s stop her from passing a driving test.
When I say, “motherfucker” my mouth doesn’t open any wider or less wide than it does when I say any other word. the hand about stretch her cunt wide open? What is she saying here?
It isn’t beliefs which make an organization a cult, it’s practices. Believe whatever unsubstantiated nonsense you want, but the minute you start taking everything a person owns, alienating them from loved ones, kidnapping people, threatening people, you’re a fucking cult. Scientology is a cult. Look up the things…
I fully realize I am totally in the minority here but I can’t get into these. They just don’t look like the real cars to me, there’s just so much that’s wrong and off with the shape that my brain can’t connect the dots. I don’t even like when shut lines are cast-in too wide on regular model cars so I have a different…
Nah, he/she’s right
Fuck that shithead. Fuck youtubers. Fuck social media. Fuck the culturally corrupt country.
I read this whole post and it makes me so happy to be old (mid 40s) and not know who any of these people are, or care. Well written, though.
I know. I read this while thinking ‘who cares?’ but apparently millions of people do. I don’t understand YouTube celebrities or social media influencers, and have no patience for their shitty, badly put together videos of them uptalking and sounding like ignorant idiots. I won’t even watch the Jez and Root videos…
I’m 27 and I had never heard of any of these people and now I’m kinda wishing I still didn’t
There’s a whole world out there (which evidently exists just a few miles from where I am) to which I’m completely oblivious - even despite an open war going on within that world! There really are upsides to advanced age.
They can’t be from the same universe since Futurama was from a universe with funny shows in it like Futurama whereas Disenchantment is from a universe with unfunny shows in it like Disenchantment.
I really think making the season all at once and not being beholden to limited running times ruined all of the energy and freshness of the show. The script’s weak, the jokes are sparse, the voice acting’s flat half the time, and the editing just craaaaaawls along when it should be breathlessly pushing us forward.
Hey just because I didn’t like the first season doesn’t mean you have to as well. I respect your opinion on the matter and I can understand why you’d like it. Heck, I’m not even really mad at the show, I’m more disappointed.
My god Disenchantment is not a good show. They had Matt Berry and even he couldn’t get a chuckle out of me in this dreck. How do you have such a great list of A-list comedic voice actors and none of them are funny?
This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think…
No one uses “wypipo” out of anger, hate or even retribution. It is a small symbolic reclamation of power. It is a symbolic swipe at a powerful monster.
I’m sitting here eating a little breakfast and I honestly could just vomit all over this table. I am really starting to detest these people. Kanye is disgusting. They’re all abhorrent. From here on out, I will not be clicking through to anymore posts about these people.
Rant on the ASMR craze...