The first episode will get big viewer numbers due to curiosity. But regardless of quality, I predict people will lose interest in the show quickly and it will tank.
The first episode will get big viewer numbers due to curiosity. But regardless of quality, I predict people will lose interest in the show quickly and it will tank.
And with further regard to the time period of the mid-nineties— Reporting a news story in a way that could be clearly understood by the average reader of the time who was clueless about trans issues and terminology sort of required at least some of what would be called misgendering today. Most people just couldn’t or…
Especially since intersex is not a sexual preference and asexual is a lack of sexual preference. The “Q” is a pretty good summation of everything else, I’d agree.
Indeed, I really want a blue/ yellow retro plate for my rally blue WRX (yes, it’s anachronistic, but I like the aesthetics, OK?).
Wow, you must have made Titus sing all those terrible songs.
Additionally, Fred Rogers was very guarded with the image of his show regarding all his actors. Betty Aberlin (AKA Lady Aberlin on the show) had an opportunity to star in George Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” (Romero had done some short films for Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood as a young film graduate), but Rogers…
Whenever I read about Tom Cruise insisting on doing these stunts, my first thought is how sorry I feel for the stunt coordinators who have to no doubt deal with a much bigger pain in the ass monitoring and fretting over Tom’s vanity stunts than those done by actual professionals.
An interesting subset of this genre is films made by members of the LDS (Mormon) Church that are marketed using generic Christian terms in the hopes of drawing in an audience beyond that of devoted Mormons. Several of these can be found on Netflix and Amazon if you carefully read the descriptions and look for Mormon…
“If the park was designed to study its participants without their knowledge, doesn’t that suggest other, shadier motivations?”
I just wanna know what’s going to happen to the Godzilla toy in the background of the living room after this latest cancellation. Roseanne still has the original one from the ‘80s.
A copy of you, even a perfect one, still isn’t you unless we’re talking about some kind of mind-transference of your actual brain or consciousness (as in the “San Junipiero” ep of Black Mirror). I’m pretty sure what we’re seeing in Westworld is along the lines of what was in Joss Wheadon’s series “Dollhouse” - an…
Yeah, even if we’re just talking about people using online social media, one in eight (12.5 %) is an amazingly large number.
That’s the joke.... I ...guess (?)
I remain skeptical after reading Kristin Kreuk’s statement about how she supposedly never encountered anything illegal or exploitative during her time in Nxivm. She was in it for seven years, including a period after she brought Allison Mack into it, and was totally clueless about all the sleazy goings on? Right,…
The original Rampage game had so many quirky elements that could’ve contributed to a darkly humorous monster movie, like the monsters eating people and reverting back to naked humans intermittently. But no, much more predictable box office in yet another family-friendly adventure starring The Rock.
Alas, I’m pretty sure MechaGodzilla and Ultraman are beyond even the reach of Warner Bros and Spielberg.