
OMG, I’m old enough to remember the previous Winter Olympics, Obama’s inauguration, drones becoming popular, the first “Paranormal Activity” movie, and Dubstep music!

I think you’re right, I noticed that too. It should be “on HER behalf”.

Oh, Lydia Deetz - you will always be my first goth crush.

I remember a moving onscreen romance (possibly the first!) between a human and extraterrestrial!

Anything the Smiths might do is better than experimenting with Scientology.

A more appropriate shirt design -

Did DC Comics get paid for use of the Wonder Woman logo? As often as that logo as appropriated for worthy causes, probably not.

No grade school emotion chart is capable of depicting “Happy” as accurately as this image

I’m sure this will be every bit as successful as Lenny Kravitz’s original attempts to be known as “Romeo Blue” back in the ‘80s.

In defense of Toy Biz - Despite all the crappy cheap 12" figures they cranked out in the late ‘90s, they did make one of the most definitively awesome 12" toys in the form of the deluxe Spider-Man 2 from 2004.

Scientologists tend to vote Republican due to their assumption that since the GOP is more religion-friendly, the “church” of Scientology is less likely to be investigated for their various abuses and/or have their tax-exempt status revoked.

The chances of Scientology’s US tax-exempt status being revoked or even investigated is probably nil under the Trump administration, but hopefully it will happen someday.

Holy disingenuousness, Batman!

You may joke about the ASMR connection (and admittedly, much of the breathy, whispering ASMR videos on YouTube are quite mockable), but ever since I was a child, watching someone’s hands as they did meticulous, detailed drawing would send tingly, relaxing chills up my neck and scalp. I didn't even know how to describe

I haven’t seen the deleted TBS video, and I have to admit that I’m not really familiar with Hillary’s laugh. The outdated stereotype of the woman being quiet and dainty seems plausible in terms of adding an offensive element to the joke. Thanks for clarifying.

The anti-Hillary tweet indeed sounds very infantile, poorly-thought out and just generally dumb. BUT —- how exactly is making fun of someone’s laugh “sexist”? Particularly if that someone is a high-profile politician? I’m asking out of geniune curiousity, not a troll-quest.

“You can call us Aaron Burr from the way we’re droppin’ Hamiltons!”

I seem to recall Chaka Khan being a Scientologist. If she’s going into rehab for fentanyl abuse (which Scientology’s so-called “technology” apparently didn’t help her avoid very well), I hope it’s a legitimate rehab facility and not anything related to Scientology’s “Narconon” rehab scam.

Now playing

Based on the Twitter account name, @WBCjael , it is the account of Jael Phelps, one of the older Phelps grandaughters who has been prominently featured in the Louis Theroux documentaries on the Westboro Church.