

Wait, who picks mouse/keyboard over controller for a TPS?

I consider myself hardcore. I'd love to own a 360, but I can't bring myself to buy it until when M$ decides to stop charging people to play online which I assume is never.

There you go. So they do have a view. Nice of you to admit that. Anyway, I switch between CNN and FNC. MSNBC just makes my stomach turn. I like forming my own opinions not having some opinionated idiotic "journalists" or commentators form them for me.

They fight like...girls. hehe!

Sure buddy. And lady gaga is the best thing since slice bread. *rolls eyes*

"...when Fox News is the most accurate." This is funny. Where you intending for it to be? And yes, I watch A LOT of FOX news. Also having the biggest audience shouldn't necessarily be taken as evidence for credibility.

65cents? I'll rather burn the games.

Obvious marketing ploy is obvious.

Oh boy! I remember a time when I haven't been as displeased with Kotaku articles as I have been recently. This was last year...or in other words last week. SMH. Like seriously though, how could Dave be assigned blame in any of this?

Nope! Well, for me personally, I just enjoy seeing the bad guy get what he deserves. Any form of justice in this unjust world feels sooo satisfying.

Cool, I'll add you. My PSN is tok1879.

Guess I'm not up to date on my internet lingo. what's a comment ninja? is the point of this? :S Damn, Crescente ain't even gone but for a day. You ever wonder why there are no explicitly declared interracial competitions? I don't believe we're there yet as a society. Let's not start pitting races against each other.

Hey, you wanna play with me? I play on PSN but I hear I can play with folks on Mac or PC.

Oh nice! Totally forgot about that. Yeah, so does anyone on PC/Mac/PSN who hasn't already played through the co-op want to play with me? *bats eyelashes* :D

I mean, I wouldn't mind that. But I've beat the single player and basically left the co-op untouched. I payed for it, I should get to experience it, don't you agree?

Anybody wanna play portal 2 co-op over PSN with me? But only if you haven't already played through.

I looooove pink..............But only on a female. :P

Errr...SOTC is a scripted QTE? And you have the nerve to call someone else a "moron"? Seriously? And in SoTC, you're controlling the rider, not the horse, which to me, makes more sense.