
Soo....? Even though it's no where close to 99%, the comments are still amusing. Why can't you guys just ignore it and let people like me who like it enjoy it. See how that works? Youtube for EVERYBODY! :D

Urgh...ugly. It seems I'm the minority in not liking the GameCube controller. I think it's just a little worse than the Dreamcast controller.

Errr...more like M$ inverted Nintendo's B-A, Y-X.

So what do we call the day when we can accomplish what can now be done on a controller with a keyboard and mouse?

Lol! Next time we go to war, we need to dress/arm our soldiers in bikinis.

See, I don't see this going anywhere. You've chosen to fall on arguing semantics. I could easily be referred to as "a person" because that is what I am. But it's easier when people refer to me as "tok1879." Who knows, I could have named myself "thesinginghatchet" and that is what people would refer to me as. It's

Xvideos works well enough, which is more than enough. But you don't need to know that...Jesus.

why? I like to see comments. They are 40% of the reason I go to youtube.

Errr...I don't know what type of "enjoy" you're referring to. But the "enjoy" that causes me to be aroused, which is totally different from the "enjoy" that's for enjoying fictional tales, is usually based on a real living woman not some dude's representation of what a woman is/should/could be. Basically (drawings,

Okay, maybe I didn't make myself clear. When I say "we" in my past posts, I'm referring to civilized societies. Even Africans refer to themselves as "black." So regardless of what these native people call themselves, they will be seen as "black." And the only reason we're having this debate is whether one is more

I always have subtitle on. I'm still confused how people can't watch a video and read the subtitles at the same time. Also some people won't watch a foreign movie because of subtitles. It just really baffles me.

Meh, I like my women real. Not based off of some dude's imagination.

I disagree. But it was my very first FPS game with the dual analog setting so maybe my perception is tainted.

It's like we took five steps but we still remain at where we were. What I'm saying, is regardless of what we choose to call black people, be it "blue," "yellow," "purple," "green," or "white," the fact is that they are there and their features are unique to them. Now I understand what you're saying about contrast

Like, I don't even know where to begin. You present me arguments that could be used to endorse pedophilia. Arguments that could go against the now ubiquitous claim that people are born "gay." Your link showed that it was a communal endorsed act as long as it was with slaves, prostitutes and adolescents, and that they

"Games like Batman are coming out for the WII U and you know what it looks just as flawless as it did on my PS3. Maybe the WiiU will not be able to play PS4/720 ports but my question is who cares?"

....and who's claiming that they are? They are SOMETHING though, and even you won't dispute that, right?

....and who appointed you as the decider of who is to have the "right to complain about power" or not?

Well, thanks for the clarification then. It's this quote that made me think you meant otherwise.

We'll pay. Not sure if an arm or a leg though. And unlike Nintendo, they'll probably sell it at a loss. And exactly how did you come to the conclusion that these are baseless speculations?