"The Wii was not a commercial success in my opinion."
"The Wii was not a commercial success in my opinion."
Wow! Really mature. SMDH
"...versus plenty of known developers who are openly praising the system's capabilities. "
Uhmm...the 360 came out a year before the PS3 and they were comparable. I fail to see your point(if there's any).
For six years, all we heard from the Wii fanatics was "graphics don't matter," "Nintendo never cared about graphics." Why then are they or their god Nintendo not content with Wii level graphics since the people who care about such are such an insignificant niche target audience?
"I highly doubt that the next Sony/Microsoft console is going to be such a huge leap over current gen."
Wait, so what you're saying to me is that any male participated in these activities?
*cough* Don't you mean 180 degrees?
I mean, I usually don't get a group of buddies together and plan how we're all going to hit on an attractive woman just to make her feel uncomfortable. If she's attractive, it's very likely that she will get a lot of attention from guys. More usual than not, they're not trying to be malicious by hitting on her.
"...and maybe not a single male attendee attempted to hit on you or check out your ass while you weren’t looking." And this is bad why?
Yup! This exactly.
LMAO! You just noted exactly everything I thought. It's almost as if Leon was new to the concept of zombies. And I found that debris moving thing when you could easily pass under it annoying even in the Uncharted series.
You're over thinking it. However we came to be, be it by God, be it by evolution, the fact is different parts of our bodies are assigned different tasks and work together as a unit like a machine to ensure not only our existence as a person, but as a species. If you note, I'm not arguing using arbitrary things. I'm…
Self-sustaining, where being gay was the norm is still not true for the societies you mention. I do not at all doubt or dispute that homosexual acts existed or were even generally embraced in numerous cultures from many years ago.
Interesting read, but I still fail to find where it states or even explains how it was possible for homosexuals to be self-sustaining, that is, not relying on heterosexuals for their existence and the continuity of the society. See, black people don't need white people or any other race to exist.
Well, one of them's difference from the American norm is a non-debatable immutable trait which should be enough of a difference. And I tend not to let rappers like Jay-Z, or as you can already tell, popular culture do my thinking for me.
Even if they were wrong, and I'm an idiot, the rest of my argument still stands. Being black is still not the same as being gay.
Thank you. I will try to think more often now. :)
Don't get me confused, I only use "black" as a mere label for one purely of sub Saharan African descent. It does have to do with melanin level of a wide range as well as other physical features passed on for the most part without fail from parent to offspring. See, there truly is no choice or even for the…
Honey nut cheerios. That is all!