
Even if you won't, many others will. And that's they way the price for DLC characters in such games go. Sad.

Well, to each his own, I guess. SMH. 5 bucks/character satisfies fans. True but very very sad.

But you see, that's the problem, unlike you and many other gamers on this and many other site, I never had any interest in playing games on a console hardware that was very outdated the very day it was released. I always saw the Wiimote for what it was, a gimmick and as most people now see, definitely not the future

So I'm to believe now that no distinctions can be made between everybody who happens to play videogames? Nope! I can't accept that. I value your opinion on videogames, as someone who posts on kotaku, a gaming website, more than that of the old lady "gamer" who only plays wii sports.

Cool story bro. I'm happy your family enjoys it. Maybe one day when I have children, they will enjoy games like that too. Don't get me wrong, Nintendo as a company, did IMMENSELY good for themselves. But do I care about that? No! Why? Because it had no ostensible positive effect on me financial or otherwise. Why

Wait what? Owning a Camry doesn't necessarily make you a car lover, you know? I'm sorry but I don't see in what way fitness games benefit me as a serious gamer. If anything, like I've preached for plenty years now, it'll probably drive the other two companies who have a penchant for making games I prefer(I'm sorry,

Guess which company relied on people who never played videogames before to win this generation of gaming, financially? Nintendo. Guess which companies relied on former NES and SNES gamers? The other two. We all grow and plenty of us start to desire different tastes while this happens. I adored Nintendo when I was

I'm totally with you there. And I see the fanboys already pounced. It's funny how they talk about how successful the Wii has been. But to whom exactly has that been beneficial for? Definitely not me, I own no Nintendo stocks. I'm just a console gamer who loves video games and is not phased by silly motion control

How do people request for stuff like this? Do you not see that you end up being nickel and dymed?

Seriously? And nobody has a problem with this? I don't even....arrrrgh:-S. SMDH

Sorry, the previous two posts before my last post weren't there when I posted mine.

Wow! He says the reason he plays the 360 is because that is the console most of his friends have. And it would easily have been the other way if they mostly had ps3's as it would be easier to check their statuses in different games, and borrow games from them as well. Not because, as you seem to want to impose, that

Your surgery, was it as a result of an arrow to the...errrrr.....bad joke.

:S Uhm...white people commit heinous crimes too, ya know?

WTF?? Seriously?

...and I'm sure you will be completely satisfied and wouldn't be posting your dissatisfaction on Kotaku, if they went that route. *rolls eyes*

The ability to download from different regions was never even really officially supported by Sony. it was sort of a freebie, if you will. It was nice to have. So why then do you expect them to accommodate that which they never supported in the first place, on a handheld(that's supposed to be personal) , by allowing

Horrible analogy. If you can't see anything wrong with Sony reaching out into your home(or any other person's) to disable a feature that came with your box, then We need not further this discussion. It's just plainly futile. Carry on with your apathetic blissful existence.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti. *thumbs up* Kotaku!

I understand that but shouldn't they be glad that they even have the ability to buy a game from another region? It's unprecedented. I don't think other systems allow that. It's like we're given a hand but nooo, they're evil for not offering the whole arm.