
See, that's the problem with people. Don't you see how this sets a precedence? Let's assume you're one of the 0.0001% who used a certain feature of which you paid for, and said feature was removed, would you not want the rest of us to be empathetic to your situation?

It doesn't matter if you never used the OS, I never did either. But still Sony had no fucken right to take a feature that was already present on people's consoles of which they already paid for.

I'm sorry but since when did we really start requiring more than one account for HANDHELDS?? Sony gets a lot of shit from gamers, many very well deserved, but this? Seriously? *confused*

Mr Stephen Totilo, I know some of us are not as cool as you and are not with the new movement and whatever the fuck they call it this days, but we just want our gaming manuals. And yes, this could have been a selling point for me if I was interested in that genre. I now know from my experience,solely due to a lack

Lol! I kinda expected it. SMDH!!

Personally, more real is better than story-driven. With the horrible acting in those porns, it just seems soooo fake and very unlikely to occur in real life. Unlike spontaneous shit with real people. I guess it comes down to one's ability to suspend disbelief. It's hard for me.

Yeah, I've actually heard about this for a while. While I've been skeptical of this rumors but haven't grown curious enough to research its source, I've steered clear of Mountain Dew. It's kinda interesting to be seeing this breakdown of how it actually does "kill your juice."

And your point starts being valid only when xvideos starts being accessible using your 360. :p

So do you need Gold to use YouTube?

*raises hand* The less production, the better. Professional porn-stars bore the shit out of me. Amateur porn FTW!

But she really could possibly just be "fine" though. See, you're over-thinking things.

I just read it again, and I don't see how you got that from this article.

In most cases, the exploited tend to be oblivious to the fact that they're being exploited.

So I think I'm even more confused after reading the article than I was before reading it.

"...most [PS3] games aren't exclusive" != "...most of the Ps3 exclusives are not my thing."

Maybe they didn't miss it. It's quite possible you just didn't understand what was written. Perhaps you should read it again.

From the little narration, it appears that that is the sort of life that they've been living before she was even capable of retaining memories. So how then would she not be inured to it?

Nah, I disagree. I think 10 years will be more than sufficient for that growth. And from the way it seems, Ellen's character was probably really young when whatever infection it is broke out.

Fighting robots just don't :( I wanna beat up digital flesh and bones! >:-[

Nope! Spiderman 2.