Wow! I actually watched the VGAs for the first time Live. From most of the comments I'm reading here, I deduce that gamers whine over all the wrong things. SMDH
Wow! I actually watched the VGAs for the first time Live. From most of the comments I'm reading here, I deduce that gamers whine over all the wrong things. SMDH
Correction. No one gives a fuck about PC games. (At least I don't. :D, and I'm happy it "appears" other folks don't too. :))
Lol! *thumbs up* Nice response.
Yeah, really? So what's happening? Let's start this party.
Nope! I don't have an iphone or anything but if the apps work anything like it does on a blackberry, the most that would be required for it to work would be a wifi connection whilst once you don't have OnLive, you're basically screwed. I can think of so many disadvantages it's not even funny. Using OnLive, no…
Lol! I swear that's what I was just thinking.
Oh sorry, that's true. Oh yeah, and he is not me. We're not the same people. See; tok1879, GlassAgate. :p
I just beat the game last night and I came away very disappointed. I found it really glitchy and the damn thing froze my ps3 at least twice. I loooved Uncharted 2, but I'm not too certain why I found this game so infuriating. I think it was the "hey, you can't jump across the boats here(even though it looks like you…
Let me repeat. It looks very "dry."
I find myself starting to have that frame of mind too. The DLC's, online passes, prerelease exclusive DLC's; they are all really just fucking annoying. Even instruction manuals are starting to fade away. The other day I bought my brand new copy of Arkham City. There was essentially a no more than 4-leaf manual…
Same! Down with DLC characters! No one single character is worth 1/12th of the game.
Errrr...I don't see it. I've seen better motion acting in the Uncharted series.
lol! "...just for fucking profits?" Seriously?
Stop kidding yourself. Nollywood is just as shitty.
I hope you now see the relation.
Thank you for explaining to him.
Yay!! Me too! NEVER bought a DLC in my life too. It's really good to see another like me. :). Like seriously. :)
Face it, there are only about 3 genres of gaming that kb/m is better for, than controllers. Good old fashioned controllers are better for just about everything else.
Sure buddy, *rolls eyes*...sure.
So according to them, getting DLC which you have to pay for, earlier than rival console users is supposed to be perceived as value. SMH. What has M$ done to gaming?