
Hi! Fun fact: the 4.9L I-6 has 150hp but 260 ft-lbs of torque! The 5.0L has 195hp when paired with the automatic and just 275 ft-lbs of torque, an increase of only 15 ft-lbs. Last I checked, the important figure when towing is torque and not horsepower.

well christ, now you can’t get these assholes to stop burying their face in their phone even after they cause an accident
“OMG just t-boned someone i think they died lol #suvsrock #accident”

I’ve been told there’s a similar forums for Priuses (Prii?) but there’s some things I won’t subject Incognito Mode to.

you have to think of it in its era, though. AM radios for cars had just started getting offered 6 years earlier. there was much fewer distractions available to the driver than there are now.

I mean, I’ve refueled just about everything I’ve used while running at one point or another. Dirtbikes, string trimmers, lawnmowers, and pretty much all of my cars, especially in winter.
The closest station is visible from my house, I’m not going to cold-start, drive over there, and then shut it off right away. It’s

If you think that’s something, allow me to open your eyes to the Ford Escort Owners Association -

Then you tell me why the mouse’s lawyers are responsible for the cutoff for public domain getting pushed further and further out.

my ‘76 Delta 88 averaged 16mpg while being driven like a hooligan. i hope this helps

When I was a kid, grandma and grandpa liked playing Tetris on the NES. Once, we used the Game Genie to enable a co-op mode - one controller did block rotation, the other did position and drop. It was the worst argument I’d ever seen from them.

public domain gets extended every time Mickey Mouse would get close to public domain. the mouse can afford a lot better lawyers and lobbyists than us.

Back in the day from a family acquaintance, I took on a cash job driving an early 80's F350 rollback from central WI to NW Indiana to get a flood-damaged 7 series, and then to pick up a crashed Wrangler in Milwaukee on the way back.

“It’s been years and I’ve had to trade in the car I drove because the seat cushions never recovered from driving around Atlanta.”

like being in love

I’ll be honest, if I was the guy trying to set new records for every track I’d be mad as hell at constantly getting undermined. Hell, I got upset just watching the video.

Always gotta bring out the classic.

well and the time Patrick George pancaked a Camaro into a concrete barrier at a GM press event.
and the time Patrick George got to spend 3 days in jail in Virginia because he was driving a press ZL1 93 in a 55 zone.

no. because how am i supposed to put a swivel socket between two extensions?

I believe he means it leaked fluids from every seal like someone had poked holes in all the seals.

I know of someone who bought a first-year Aveo as an investment. It’s inside a shed that was specifically built around it, in one of those inflated bubble car covers, on jack stands. He had it flatbedded from the dealership to his property, and has never started it.

They said in the marketing wank for the Leaf that they did a bunch of special design tricks and sound-deadening to reduce or eliminate noises you wouldn’t normally hear (wind past side mirrors, for example) if it had a gas engine. So in my head it’ll still be a nice quiet vehicle to be inside of even with a gas engine.